
xià pǐn
  • low-grade;inferior
下品 [xià pǐn]
  • [inferion;low-grade] 下等

下品[xià pǐn]
  1. 万般皆下品,惟有读书高。

    To be a scholar is to be the top of society .

  2. 其主要原因:一是传统儒家万般皆下品,惟有读书高思想的影响;

    The reasons resulted from the influence of the traditional Confucian thought , i.

  3. 货车车辆垂下品非接触定量动态检测系统

    The Non-Contact Quantitative Dynamic Inspection System for Objects Hanging Down the Freight Cars

  4. 铁路货车垂下品监测系统

    Monitoring System for Hung Parts of Railway Freight Cars

  5. 这个地方真正成为下品市场了。

    The area has really gone down-market .

  6. 吴简中的普通民户按财产分为上品、中品和下品三个等级,而一些赤贫户则被划在这三个等级之外,称为“下品之下”。

    The poorest families were excluded from the three grades , and were regarded as " the families below the low-grade " .

  7. 许多年前,当我蹲在河堤上那些魁梧的红杉下品尝它时,味道那么浓,那么苦,那么好。

    It was strong and bitter and good as I squatted on the riverbank , under the great redwoods all those years ago .

  8. 然而,一些世界最好的葡萄酒却要在如此糟糕的条件下品饮,这着实可惜。

    It does seem a shame , though , that some of the finest wines in the world are consumed under such poor conditions .

  9. 然而,事实总是证明,这些供应商最终都失败了,不是消失无踪,就是在市场大潮中沦为下品。

    Invariably , these claims are proven to be false and these vendors simply disappear or are relegated to minor roles in the overall market .

  10. 科举制度的进一步完善,改变了以往上品无寒门,下品无世族的局面。

    The imperial examination system to further improve , changed the past " good person is free of poor , bad person without clans " situation .

  11. 介绍了货车垂下品自动检测仪的功能、结构及工作原理,并展望了其应用前景。

    The function , structure and working principle of the automatic inspection instrument for devices hung under freight cars are described , and the application is prospected .

  12. 色彩也会产生影响。近日在伦敦进行的测试表明,周围的光线能够增强风味。红葡萄酒在红色光线下品起来口感更圆润。

    Colour can also have an effect with recent tests in London showing that ambient light can enhance flavour with red wine drunk in red light tasting fruitier .

  13. 介绍了一种新型货车车辆垂下品非接触定量动态检测系统的原理、结构、功能及试验分析结果。

    Described are the principle , structure , function and testing analysis results of a new type non-contact quantitative dynamics inspection system for objects hanging down the freight cars .

  14. 但是如果你喜欢逛商店、参观博物馆和画廊、或在路边咖啡店的阳伞下品尝一杯卡布其诺,那么你就应该去墨尔本。

    However , if you prefer to spend your time browsing in shops , or visiting museums and galleries in between cups of cappuccino at patio cafes , then Melbourne is better choice .

  15. 悲感现象里的哀怨表现是审美文化中的下品,作为对生命力的肯定的英雄悲剧也并不能达到审美体验的颠峰。

    The plaintive expression in grief phenomena is a lower taste in aesthetic culture , and the heroic tragedy as an affirmation to the life force cannot reach the crest of the aesthetic experience .

  16. 坐在一棵已有上百年树龄的苍柏下品茶,你会觉得仿佛离开了纷纷扰扰的庸常生活,来到了人间仙境。

    Sampling tea under a sturdy cypress tree more than one hundred years old , you will feel as if you had come to a fairyland in the world , far away from the hustle and bustle of normal life .