
kuò hào
  • bracket (square bracket, angle bracket);brackets;parentheses;brace;parentheses, curve;a sign of aggregation
括号 [kuò hào]
  • (1) [parenthese,curve;bracket (square bracket,angle bracket);brace] 用作标点符号或数学符号的小括号()、中括号(方括号) []、尖括号

  • (2) 和大括号{}的总称

括号[kuò hào]
  1. 先把括号里的数字加起来。

    Add the numbers in brackets first .

  2. 括号中的价格是年龄在18岁以下的消费者可以享受的特别优惠价。

    The prices in brackets are special rates for the under 18s

  3. 不规则形式标注在括号内。

    Irregular forms are given in parentheses .

  4. 在方括号里有我给的注解。

    My annotations appear in square brackets .

  5. 括号内的评语是作者的。

    The comments in brackets are the author 's.

  6. 函数名与括号之间没有空格。

    There is no space between the function name and the parenthesis .

  7. 第一组括号用于调用temperature函数。

    The first set of parentheses is needed to invoke the temperature function .

  8. 可以用括号和逻辑操作符把test命令支持的测试组合起来。

    You can combine tests that are allowed for the test command using parentheses and logical operators .

  9. 如果代码的格式很好,那么这将与main()函数的结束花括号匹配。

    If your code is formatted nicely , this will match the closing brace of your main () function .

  10. 在实际的XML生成时,应删除括号。

    The parenthesis should be removed during actual XML generation .

  11. 使用test的另一种方法是把要运算的表达式放在单层方括号([])中。

    Another way to use the test command is to place the expression to evaluate within single brackets ( [ ] ) .

  12. 第二组括号将生成字母C或F。

    The second set of parentheses would yield either the letter C or F.

  13. 圆括号让语句在一个子shell中执行。

    The parentheses effectively execute the statements in a subshell .

  14. 第一个规则表达式将与后面依次跟有任意数量的空格或制表键以及开始圆括号的字符串“main”匹配。

    The first regular expression will match the string " main " followed by any number of spaces or tabs , followed by an open parenthesis .

  15. Replacement字段在字符串内由花括号({})标示。

    Replacement fields are denoted by curly brackets ( { } ) inside a string .

  16. 似乎与C语言一样具有单调命令式和括号的语言都可以使用不同的范式形成。

    It seems like the drab world of C-like , imperative , curly braces languages might be spiced up by a variety of paradigms .

  17. 在第11行上,变量值X后面是一个用红色突出显示的后圆括号())。

    In line 11 , after the value of variable _X is a closed parenthesis ()) highlighted in red .

  18. 但是,请注意传递给button的字符串周围的下划线和括号(())。

    However , note the underscore and parentheses ( _ ()) surrounding the string passed to button .

  19. 此后,如果返回NLBRAC符号,该符号表示一个左括号和函数的开始部分。

    After this , when an N_LBRAC symbol is returned , it represents a left brace and the start of the function .

  20. 因此,使用构造函数及方括号简化符号,可以创建list。

    Thus , you can create a list using a constructor , in addition to the shorthand notation of using the square brackets .

  21. 因为省略花括号是C中最常见的错误之一,所以强制使用这种正确的编码样式的做法很受人们欢迎。

    As this represents one of the most common errors in C , it 's a welcome addition to force this kind of proper style .

  22. key('listings-by-address',address)[1])=1]会匹配符合括号内的条件的所有列表元素。

    Key ( 'listings-by-address ' , address ) [ 1 ] ) = 1 ] will match all listing elements that pass the criteria in brackets .

  23. 圆括号中的字符串是资源的XML文件路径和XML元素的ID。

    The string in the parentheses is the XML file path of the resource and the ID of the XML element .

  24. Ruby调用花括号中的代码块,同时传递一个延续对象。

    Ruby calls the code block in braces , passing in a continuation object .

  25. 括号(rulesets/braces.xml)&检查for、if、while和else语句是否使用了括号。

    Braces ( rulesets / braces . xml ) & Checks whether for , if , while , and else statements use braces .

  26. 声明的一部分,位于DTD的PUBLIC和/或SYSTEM标识符之后的方括号中。

    The internal subset is part of the declaration , after the PUBLIC and / or SYSTEM identifier for your DTD and inside a bracketed section .

  27. 这意味着,抽象方法应包括abstract关键字、可选的可见度修改符、function关键字,以及圆括号内可选的参数列表。

    That means that they should include the abstract keyword , optionally a visibility modifier , the function keyword , and an optional list of arguments in parentheses .

  28. 如果使用JSON,就只需将多个带花括号的记录分组在一起

    With JSON , you can simply group multiple bracketed records

  29. 作为Java开发人员,您可能发现最初的圆括号加分号的语法更直观一些,没有分号的曲线括号语法很难读懂。

    As a Java developer you may find the original parentheses-with-semicolons syntax to be more intuitive , and the curlies-no-semicolons syntax harder to read .

  30. 当我以那个花括号结束,swap的角色就结束了。

    When I hit that curly brace , swap 's role in life is over .
