
  1. 这些行为评估技巧还可以应用于本文下一节中来防止Web上除垃圾信息之外的其他滥用。

    You can apply these behavior assessment techniques , and others in the next section , to prevent other types of abuse on the Web besides spam .

  2. 在设计上除模拟控制及总线驱动等器件外,尽量采用FPGA来实现控制逻辑以提供应用平台的可扩展性。

    Except for the analogue controlling and bus driving devices , we use FPGA to implement controlling logic in order to provide expansibility of application platform .

  3. 当pH为5~6时,Cd2+、Zd2+和Cd2+的吸附效率最大,上除率在90%以上。

    Adsorption efficiency of Cu2 + , Zn2 + , and Cd2 + reached the highest at pH of 5 ~ 6 , with the removal rate of above 90 % .

  4. 治疗上除CBP外,主要包括原发病的处理和重要脏器或系统功能的维护或支持。

    Treatments included the mangement of primary disease and maintenance of main organ or system function .

  5. 结果BADSA上除1例隐约可见脊髓营养动脉外,余未见明显脊髓营养动脉和椎管内染色,也无明确的食管或气管的染色。

    Results On BA-DSA , except one case in which a bronchial artery was faintly displayed , no spinal artery , intra-spinal canal , esophagus or trachea enhancement could be demonstrated .

  6. 三星一直在鼓捣一个替代操作系统Tizen,而且其Galaxy安卓设备上除装有谷歌服务,也置入了三星自己的邮件等服务。

    Samsung has been tinkering with an alternative operating system , Tizen , and includes its own mail and other services alongside Google 's on its Galaxy Android devices .

  7. 在UWB信号照射下,不同类型散射中心的散射强度与频率有关,目标冲击响应在时域上除表现为冲击脉冲外,还有别的函数形式。

    The scattering intensity of different type scatter centers is related to the frequency when target illuminated by UWB signals , impulse response of the target has other function forms except impulse pulse .

  8. 治疗上除充分补液、碱化尿液和加强利尿外,加用前列腺素E1脂微球制剂(lipoPGE1),有病毒感染者予阿昔洛韦或更昔洛韦治疗。全部病例经上述处理均获痊愈。

    Hyperhydration , alkalinizing and diuresis plus Lipo prostaglandin E 1 ( Lipo PGE 1 ) or anti-virus drug were the main treatment measure , and all patients were cured .

  9. LQTS的心电图上除QTc延长外,T波电交替,T波切迹,TU融合,和RR间期延长在症状发作时均较常见。

    In addition to QT prolongation on the surface ECG in LQTS , T wave alternans , T wave notching , TU fusion and RR interval prolongation are common findings when syncope or ventricular tachycardia occurs .

  10. 我们选择微观相分离结构的嵌段共聚物PSF-b-PEO作为MALDI靶涂层,然后利用制作的聚合物涂层进行痕量多肽的靶上除盐和富集工作。

    We choose the block copolymer PSF-b-PEO with microscopic phase separation structure as the MALDI target coating materials , and then made use of the polymer film for on-plate desalting and enriching of trace peptides .

  11. 这船上除高级船员外,有57名普通船员。

    The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers .

  12. 道路人员全体出动在街道上除雪及用盐化雪。

    Road crews were out in full force plowing and salting streets .

  13. 甲壳素是地球上除纤维素之外最丰富的天然高分子聚合物。

    Chitin is the most abundant natural polymer except cellulose in the earth .

  14. 汽车继电器是汽车上除传感器外使用最多的电子元器件。

    Besides sensors , automotive relays are the most common electronic components on the car .

  15. 从纺织品结构上除污垢的科学研究工作,近年来有很大发展。

    Scientific investigation of soil release from textile structures has greatly proliferated in recent years .

  16. 你的信给了我世界上除你之外任何人也不能给我的快乐;

    Your letter gave me more delight than anything in the world but yourself could do ;

  17. 船上除这两个人外,还有一个人,他正和另外两个人说笑着。

    There was a third man in the boat , who was talking and laughing with the others .

  18. 结果显示在器质性心脏病心电图上除室早外,心电图异常发生率高。

    Besides ectopic beats , a high incidence of abnormal electrocardiogram was found in association with the organic heart disease .

  19. 海豚是地球上除人类以最聪明的生物,其大脑构造中的有不少高智商的功能。

    Dolphins are the world 's second brightest creatures after humans and have many brain features associated with high intelligence .

  20. 在演奏上除锣鼓乐外,都由二弦领奏和指挥。

    Two-stringed fiddles are the leading instruments in most Chaozhou music performances , except for those featuring gongs and drums music .

  21. 而且,币拓法的检验对象还可进一步推广到可疑货币上除水印以外的其他所有本身应为凹凸结构但采取非凹版印刷方法印制的图文上面去。

    In addition , the method can be further applied to testing those suspicious currency that should have concavo-convex structure without intaglio print .

  22. 正在仄台上除有课程材料、课程作业中,另有交换论坛等各类多样性项目。

    With the curriculum information , school curriculum on the platform , there is a forum for the exchange and various diversity projects .

  23. 那塞尔吉为之骄傲的那幅平板的白色油画又是什么呢,这方形布上除白色本身外,就没有任何表现了。

    The white square painting Serge is so proud of is what it is , a white painted square , representing nothing beyond itself .

  24. 仪表表盘参数符号识别就是对仪表盘上除指针和刻度读数区以外的表面符号进行识别。

    The recognition of meter parameter symbols is to recognize all the symbols on the dial plate except the areas of dial pointer and scales .

  25. 通常将气相色谱图上除正构烷烃峰以外的精细组分峰称作气相色谱指纹峰。

    The peak of fine component except for the peak of normal paraffin hydrocarbons is usually called fingerprint peak of gas chromatogram in gas chromatogram .

  26. 货币供给量;M加上除银行外的机构的存款(如社会团体的储蓄或贷款)。

    A measure of the money supply ; M2 plus deposits at institutions that are not banks ( such as savings and loan associations ) .

  27. 这些局部战争,特别是以20世纪80年代以后发生的局部战争为典型,无一例外的使用了当时世界上除核武器外最为先进的武器装备。

    These local wars , especially the ones happened after 1980s , all adopted the most advanced arms at the time except the nuclear weapons .

  28. 今天的海底电缆大多使用光纤技术,将世界上除南极洲以外的所有大洲连成一个复杂的全球通信系统,用户数量数十亿计。

    Nowadays submarine cables , mostly using fibre-optic technology , link all the world 's continents except Antarctica in a sophisticated global telecommunications system used by billions .

  29. 但事实上除法院调解外,其他多元调解机制实践中却运行不畅,化解矛盾能力依然较弱。

    But the fact of the court mediation , the other is the practice of multiple mediation mechanism to run sluggish , resolve conflicts capacity remains weak .

  30. 部份绿藻产品声称于日本制造,但事实上除包装工序外,其他制作过程都是在日本以外的地方完成。

    Some products may claim to be " Made in Japan ", the culture stage , however , is very likely to be taken place in other countries .