
  • 网络kill;online;cosplay;Killers Of The Three Kingdoms
  1. 但自从我们增加了像五子棋和三国杀这样的棋类游戏之后,便有更多人前来加入了社团。

    But since we added other board games , like Five-in-a-Row and Three Kingdoms Kill ( sanguosha ), more members have joined .

  2. 三国杀是一款经典桌上游戏,由传媒大学的四名大学生根据美国流行桌游“BANG!”设计而来。

    Popular Desktop Card Game : The Killers of Three Kingdoms The Killers of Three Kingdoms is a desktop card game , which is designed by four students from Communication University of China based on " BANG ! , " an American game .

  3. 在棋类游戏市场,三国杀是一个里程碑。

    The Killers of Three Kingdoms represents a milestone in the market .

  4. 自2009年六月推出在线版游戏,三国杀一时风靡,最近更是推出了英文版本。

    And this game has been transplanted to online game in June 2009 . Soon it becomes popular , and recently it is translated into English version .