
  • 网络trigeminal motor nucleus;motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve;VMO
  1. 传出神经元来自三叉神经运动核和面神经核。

    Hsiakuan point efferent neurons come from the motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve and the nucleus of facial nerve .

  2. 5-羟色胺能神经元向三叉神经运动核和感觉核的投射

    Projection of serotoninergic neurons to the trigeminal motor nucleus and sensory nucleus

  3. 结论成年大鼠三叉神经运动核、三叉神经感觉核簇及三叉神经节中存在GDNF神经元。

    Conclusion These results indicate that GDNF neurons are present in the trigeminal ganglion as well as the trigeminal motor nucleus and sensory nuclear complex of adult rat .

  4. 将辣根过氧化物酶注入单侧肌肉内,在三叉神经运动核尾侧的腹内侧部引起了双侧的标记细胞。

    Unilateral injection of horseradish peroxidase into the muscle resulted in bilateral labelling of cell in the ventromedial region of the caudal trigeminal nucleus .

  5. 5-HT样纤维或终末在三叉神经脊束核、孤束核、面神经核、三叉神经运动核以及网状结构外侧部比较密集,而黑南内则很稀少。

    Fibers and terminals were very dense in the spinal trigeminal nucleus , nucleus of solitary tract , facial nucleus , motor nucleus of 5th nerve , lateral part of reticular formation , and , however , only occasionally , in the substantia nigra .