
sān hé tǔ
  • tabia;trinity mixture fill
三合土 [sān hé tǔ]
  • [tabia] 由粘土、石灰和砂加水混合而成的建筑材料,在少雨地区多用来打地基,很牢固经久,也可用来修筑道路

  1. 用这种三合土夯起来的炮台十分坚固。

    Batteries built with this kind of compact Trinity earth were very solid .

  2. 河砂石灰三合土强度与破坏分析

    Analysis of Strength and Rupture of Lime-soils

  3. C:三合土(土壤、锯末、炉渣)+种子;

    C. three-mixture-soil ( a mixture of soil , sawdust and cinder ) + seed ;

  4. 用素土或灰土或碎砖三合土芳筑而成,约高一尺,常用于小式建筑。

    It is almost 1 Chinese chi in height , which tamped and cemented with the mixed earth of white Clay or mud or brickbat . Common base is usually used for constructing the small type of building .

  5. 本文根据河砂石灰三合土单轴抗压、抗剪、抗折及抗冲击试验数据,分析其强度及破坏特征、单轴压缩应力-应变关系。

    In this paper , on the basis of the uniaxial compression test , shear resistance test , cutting resistance test and shock resistance test of the Lime-soils , the properties of strength , rupture and the stress-strain relationship have been discussed .

  6. 福建土楼,是由黏土、细沙和石灰组成的三合土而建成的,是福建传统群居式住宅。通常外形为圆形,中间是家族祠院,一般都是由家族群居而住。

    Tulou or " earthen building , " built of a composite of earth , sand , and lime known as sanhetu , is a traditional communal residence in the Fujian province of Southern China , usually of a circular configuration surrounding a central shrine . These vernacular structures were occupied by clan groups .