
  • 网络Murder In The First;First degree murder;first degree;Murder One;first-degree murder
  1. 以八起一级谋杀罪名对他提出控告。

    Charging him with eight counts of murder in the first degree .

  2. 两位被控杀害四人的一级谋杀罪。

    You stand accused of four counts of the crime of murder in the first degree .

  3. 她被指控一级谋杀罪。

    She was charged with first-degree murder

  4. 根据重罪谋杀规则,Connie可能会被指控对Dan的死亡犯有一级谋杀罪。

    Under the felony murder rule , Connie can be charged with first-degree murder for Dan 's death .

  5. 陪审团裁定朱迪(JodiArias)杀害前男友特拉维斯(TravisAlexander)一级谋杀罪名成立。

    A jury found Jodi Arias guilty of first-degree murder in the killing of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander .

  6. 警方表示,嫌犯是32岁的Davis,她涉嫌一级谋杀罪和其他指控。

    The suspect , identified as Holly Davis , 32 , was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder and several other charges , according to police .

  7. 明显的失去了起诉一级谋杀的意义。

    Has clearly failed to meet its burden of first-degree murder .

  8. 没有证人,显然一级谋杀罪就会成立。

    Without witness , it was a crime of murder obviously .

  9. 我有足够的证据控告你一级谋杀。

    I have enough evidence to try you for first degree murder .

  10. 让他明白他将以一级谋杀被起诉。

    Make him understand he 's on the hook for felony murder .

  11. 他被以一级谋杀罪起诉。

    He is now looking at first degree murder charges .

  12. 他被定为一级谋杀罪并被判了死刑。

    He was convicted of first degree murder and condemned to death .

  13. 目前,这名叫做德里克·梅迪纳的男子已被判决一级谋杀罪。

    Derek Medina has been charged with first degree murder .

  14. 二级谋杀:不属于一级谋杀的任何重罪杀害。

    Second Degree Murder : Any felony murder not a first degree murder .

  15. 巴多被判一级谋杀,他至今仍被囚禁,而且很有可能已经完全疯了。

    He remains imprisoned - and presumably completely nuts - to this day .

  16. 还是我以一级谋杀的罪名逮捕你?

    Or should I arrest you for murder one ?

  17. 她被判为一级谋杀罪,判处死刑。

    She was convicted of first degree murder , given death penalty in alabama .

  18. 那项罪状是一级谋杀。

    The charge was first degree murder .

  19. 检察官认定这是一级谋杀案

    the D.A. goes first-degree murder .

  20. 他们杀两警卫犯了一级谋杀罪。

    Once it escalated into a murder-one beef for all , after they killed two guards .

  21. 二级谋杀可以被视为一级谋杀和一般杀人罪的中间地带。

    Second-degree murder may best be viewed as the middle ground between first-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter .

  22. 她被控一级谋杀,她的丈夫是一名三十九岁的政府计算机分析师。

    She is charged with first-degree murder in the killing of her husband , a39-year-old state computer analyst .

  23. 原告无法证明他蓄意谋杀了她,故而不得不撤销了对他的一级谋杀指控。

    Prosecutors could not prove that he kiied her with premeditation and so had to drop the first-degree murder charge against him .

  24. 凯文因为杀死自己的弟弟,并攻击他的父亲,试图谋杀他,被判一级谋杀罪。

    Kevin Madden was found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of his brother and attempted murder for the attack on his father .

  25. 除了涉嫌一级谋杀,韦策尔还被指控虐待儿童、破坏财物、私存受控制药品、汽车伤人等罪名。

    In addition to attempted first-degree murder , Weitzel is charged with child abuse , assault , criminal mischief , possession of a controlled substance and vehicular assault .

  26. 关于谋杀的罪名指控,有十二项是“有预谋的”一级谋杀罪名,另外还有十二项“极度漠视”谋杀罪名。

    The murder charges against Holmes doubled as 12 charges of " premeditated " first degree murder and 12 charges of " extreme indifference " first degree murder .

  27. 她被判二级谋杀罪,这也许是自纽约州仅对杀害警官和狱警而适用一级谋杀罪以来国家对她最严重的惩处。

    She was charged with second-degree murder , the heaviest charge the state could bring against her , since New York reserves first-degree murder charges for murders of police officers and prison guards .

  28. 在大多数州,一级谋杀被定义为蓄意且有预谋的非法杀害,即在预谋后实施或“伏击”受害人的犯罪行为。

    In most states , first-degree murder is defined as an unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated , meaning that it was committed after planning or " lying in wait " for the victim .

  29. 戈斯内尔医生被判谋杀三名婴儿罪名成立,一级谋杀第四名婴儿罪名不成立,因曾在手术中致一名女性患者死亡,过失杀人罪名成立。

    Dr. Gosnell was found guilty for 3 of the babies , have found not guilty of murder on the first degree for the 4th baby and then found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for the female patient who died on his care .

  30. 佛罗里达州26岁的达莉亚南,被指控犯有一级教唆谋杀罪,一位警方发言人说。

    Dalia Dippolito , 26 , of South Florida , was charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder , a police spokeswoman said .