
  1. 此外,书中广泛涉及了创业理念,提出了个人和企业创业精神是贯穿21世纪的主要的管理挑战和机遇的论点。

    It also looks at entrepreneurship in a big way to illustrate that individual and organizational entrepreneurship is a major managerial challenge and opportunity in the21st century .

  2. 这些问题都是21世纪所面临的重大管理挑战。

    These are the great management challenges for the 21st century .

  3. 因此,研究信用风险的度量、控制和管理成为学术界和应用领域的一个重点,信用风险是21世纪最重要的风险管理挑战之一。

    Therefore , the research on the management of credit risk has become a focus of academic areas .