- Clay particle;cosmid

Regression analysis found that clay content was more important in the situation of low pH for conservation of soil nutrients .
Soil with higher clay content has the higher capability preventing soil from wind erosion than one with less clay content under the together action of PAM and water .
Main results of this study were as follows : ( 1 ) The PSD transform model between LD method and pipette method was established . And , the difference source of LD method underestimating the soil silt content was illustrated .
The results show that due to disturbance of tourism in urban parks , the soil density inereases ; and physical clay ( 0.01mm ), organic matter and total nitrogen of topsoil decrease .
In the surface layer ( 0-5cm ), NTS enhances the clay adsorption ability of organic carbon . The adsorption capacity showed increased with stover mulching quantity increased . NTS also increases the storage capacity of clay .
The order of the effects of the influence factors on friction angle is coefficient of uniformity Cu > less than 0.001 mm clay content > natural water content > dry density > organic content > root density ;
Effects of soil clay content on soil water-holding capacity by simulated experiments
Analysis on compositions of clay minerals in black soil of central Jilin , China
Soil reflectance decreased with increased content of soil clay and soil organic matter .
Results showed that the content of clay decreased with increased sandy desertification on grassland .
The influence of clay and organic matter on the sediment aggregation in the Yellow River Estuary
The influences made soil aggregation decreased , clay content increased and finally soil erodibility enhanced .
This illustrated that liquid limit and plastic limit could be used to characterize the structure of salt-affected soils .
Influence of initial dry density and clay content on steady state strength of silty soil in Yellow River Delta
The results indicated that fluorine pollution strengthened the stability of soil colloid and increased the critical flocculation concentration .
While clay content played an important role in sorption capacity of the soils as SOM content was below 1 % .
Though the contents of clay particle in some specimens are more than 30 % , they still have strong collapsibility .
The cementation of clay , especially colloidal particle , plays an important role in the structural stability of soil samples .
Within the surface layer ( 0 ~ 20 mm ), the amount of sand decreased , and the amount of clay increased .
The silts dredged from ocean , lake and river always have different clay contents which lead to different strength of solidified silts .
Sorption / desorption behavior of pyrene in six types of soils with different organic matter and clay contents was investigated in this paper .
Comparing shows that , silt , fine sand complex decreased rather than inorganic particles , the fine sand size complex and the clay size complex increased .
The results show that soil organic matter mostly exist in the silt plus clay , and the ratios of carbon to nitrogen become narrow with particle size decreasing .
Moreover , illite tends to increase in the surface layer and montmorillonite increases downwards in the content , which is in consistent with the total analysis of the clay .
Also , X-ray diffraction studies indicate that the hematite contents in fine-earth fraction and clay fraction rise with increase in soil-forming age and that magnetite descends while maghemite ascends in content .
Desorption of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) was reduced for sand , silt and coarse silt fractions , and increased a little for clay size when they were previously treated by phosphate .
The results showed that the obvious correlativity existed between fractal properties and soil texture . The soil texture was finer ( clay content is higher ), the value of fractal dimension was higher .
With increase in organic matter ( OM ) , aggregate stability and ALS increased and clay dispersion decreased markedly , which showed that addition in organic matter to salt-affected soils can improve structural characteristics .
Other important findings are that the key influences on loess structure are not uniform across loess regions , and that achievement of higher loess structural integrity is difficult under very high and very low clay content .
Path analysis shows that soil water holding ( capacity ) under different patterns of land use is mainly correlated with organic matter , and > 0.25 mm water stable aggregates , and their effects are higher than that of clay .