
ɡāo jí yǔ yán
  • high level language;superior language
  1. Matlab语言是专门进行数值计算的高级语言,编程量较之Java语言等明显少的多,调试程序也很方便,显示所学习得到的结构也很方便。

    Matlab language is a superior language specializing in numerical value calculation and workload in it in programming is much less than that in Java language . It is convenient to debug a program and show the structure obtained from learn .

  2. 利用VISUALBASIC6.0高级语言编制了动态焓湿图软件,结合算例说明了动态焓湿图软件的应用。

    Programs the software of the dynamic psychrometric chart using Visual Basic 6.0 high level language . Demonstrates its application by examples .

  3. 在C和其他高级语言中,语言本身会管理运行时堆栈。

    In C and other high-level languages , the language itself manages the run-time stack .

  4. Pig提供可编译map和reduce应用程序的高级语言。

    Pig provides a high-level language that compiles to map and reduce applications .

  5. AUTOCAD与高级语言接口方法探索

    Methods for the Interface of Auto CAD with High-Level Language

  6. 一种实现IBMPc高级语言图形输出功能的有效方法

    An effective method of IBM PC high-level language graphics output implementation

  7. AUTOCAD与高级语言的联接

    Connection of Auto CAD with High - level Language

  8. 在高级语言环境下实现快速DSP功能

    The Implementation of Fast DSP Function in High-Level Language Environment

  9. C语言区别于其他高级语言特点之一就是运算符的结合性。

    One of the features that distinguished c language from the other advanced languages is the operator associativity .

  10. 利用高级语言+OCX数字制图控件开发中小型GIS软件

    Developing medium GIS software with high language plus the digital cartography activex controller OCX

  11. Webspider是一种使用高级语言编写的程序。

    A Web spider is a program written in a high-level language .

  12. 事实上,C是作为系统编程的高级语言开发的,尤其是用于编写操作系统。

    In fact , C was developed as a high-level language for system programming , specifically for writing operating systems .

  13. 毕竟,除了C和C++外,几乎每种高级语言都具有有效防止缓冲区溢出的内置机制。

    After all , practically every high-level language except C and C + + have built-in mechanisms to effectively counter them .

  14. 介绍了适合实时软件编程的两种高级语言,即ADA语言和C语言。

    ADA language and C language that are suitable for programming the software .

  15. Matlab是一种用于工程计算的高级语言。

    Matlab is an engineering calculation language and has unexampled advantage of graphics and image processing .

  16. 高级语言和组态软件对设计PC机与PLC通讯程序的比较

    Comparision to designing communication program between the PC and PLC by higher-level language and configuration software

  17. 通过哈尔滨商业大学图书馆数据库管理系统所提供部分数据库模型为例,说明高级语言(以C语言为例)和数据库混合编程的方法。

    Exemplified with database model in library database management system , introduced the method that the relational database connect with the higher-level language .

  18. 高级语言与AutoCAD间接口程序设计

    The Programming of Interface between AutoCAD and Advanced Computer Languages

  19. 基于AutoCAD与高级语言接口的各种函数曲线生成器

    Functional curve producers based on the interface of AutoCAD to advanced languages

  20. AutoCAD图形文件与高级语言间图形数据交换

    Graphic data exchange between AutoCAD graphic file and advanced language

  21. 同时新Web服务器通过其自身的胶粘功能,支持高级语言Python编写的Web程序,对系统的运行效率也起到一定的促进作用。

    Meanwhile , the new web server can support the web program of high-language compile by self-glue , which improves system operation .

  22. 关系数据库与高级语言的嵌入式标准SQL接口

    Study and development of the embeded SQL interface of the relation database and high level language

  23. PAD及其在高级语言程序设计中的应用

    PAD and Its Applications in High-level Language Programming

  24. 利用VISUALBASIC5.0高级语言,采用面向对象编程技术,开发工资管理系统,介绍系统的开发方法和经验。

    Using object orientation programming techniques , salary management system is exploited with Visual Basic 5.0 , and the exploiting methods and experiences are discussed .

  25. FIT/Fitnesse和Cucumber都执行高级语言编写的验收测试。

    Both FIT / Fitnesse and Cucumber execute acceptance tests written in a high level language .

  26. CLIPS与高级语言交互的研究与实现

    Research on Interoperation Between CLIPS and Advanced Languages with Implementation

  27. 在软件研发的高级语言中,C语言占有重要的地位,并且是计算机软、硬件相关专业的基础课程。

    In the high-level language software development , C language plays an important role , and it is related professional foundation courses in the computer hardware and software .

  28. AUTOCAD与高级语言联接的LSP方法

    The LSP method for interfacing AutoCAD with high-level language

  29. 顺序式高级语言远程调用的STUB规范化

    Standardization of STUB for Supporting Distributed Application Programming with Sequential Computer Language

  30. 上位机一般放置在煤矿绞车房或其它值班室,它采用RS&485总线方式与下位机进行远程通信,其监测软件使用可视化高级语言VISUALBASIC编程。

    It communicates with Sub-devices through the serial port with the mode of RS-485 bus , and the monitoring software is programmed by the visual higher level language of Visual Basic .