
  • 网络Peak time
  1. 对照组移植后CD25、CD71和CD40表达的高峰时间段主要在移植后早期(2~4周),此后的表达水平逐渐回落,12周后维持在低水平。

    As demonstrated in the control group , the maximal expression level of CD25 , CD71 and CD40 occurred almost at the early stage after transplantation ( 2 ~ 4 weeks ), and then it gradually dropped down , remaining at low level 12 weeks afterwards .

  2. 用户还可以在非高峰时间段给批作业分配高优先级,让它们能够在指定的时间窗内完成。

    Users can also assign a high priority to batch jobs during off-peak hours so they can be completed within designated windows .

  3. 这还有助于实现绿色计算,在非高峰时间段操作员可以把分区从利用率不高的机器转移到其他机器,然后关闭空闲的机器。

    It also lends itself to green computing because it allows operators to shift partitions from underutilized boxes to more heavily utilized boxes , during non-peak periods .

  4. 不管肿瘤的发病部位和高峰时间段,大多数的发病率在更高龄的老人下降,在接近人类寿命上限时趋近于零。

    We report that , independent of cancer site or time period , most incidence rates decrease in the more elderly and drop to or toward zero near the ceiling of human life span .

  5. 除了支持计划内停机之外,这个特性还有助于管理工作负载,允许在非高峰时间段把服务器从系统中转移出去,从而节省能源和成本,提高效率。

    In addition to allowing for planned outages , this feature helps manage workload by allowing for the movement of servers off of systems during non-peak periods , to save energy , cost and efficiencies .

  6. 因此,这部分旅客的出行规律大体上是早出晚归,早(6:30-9:30)晚(17:00~20:00)将形成列车密集发车及到达的高峰时间段。

    Therefore , this part of passenger travel law largely to evening , early ( 6:30to9:30 ) late ( 17:00to20:00 ) will be formed to train departure and arrival time of the peak density section .

  7. 结果:不同蕨麻多糖浓度组,6-K-PGF1α含量达到高峰的时间段各不相同;

    Results : In the groups of different concentration of PAP , the content of 6-K-PGF_ 1 α reached maximum at different time .

  8. 本文分析多种出行方式的单向道路,在高峰和前高峰两个时间段下拥挤定价的问题。

    In this paper a congestion pricing problem for two time periods ( peak and off-peak ) and two travel modes ( car and transit ) on one-way road is analyzed .