
  • 网络Subluxation of patella;Patella Subluxation;SLP
  1. 青少年复发性髌骨半脱位的CT诊断研究

    To investigate computed tomography diagnosis methods of recurrent subluxation of patellar in adolescent

  2. 结论髌骨半脱位病因主要与高位髌骨、过大的Q角、外侧支持带的挛缩肥厚、髌骨的发育类型以及股四头肌内侧头肌张力不良有关。

    Conclusions The main causes of patellar subluxation consisted of patella alta , the Q angle raised , patellar type ⅱ and ⅲ of Wiberg shapes , thickening and tightness of the lateral retinaculum and insufficient of vastus medialis obliquus muscle function .

  3. 方法61例110膝髌骨半脱位患者髌骨的形态均为WibergⅡ、Ⅲ型,伴有外侧髌股关节骨关节病者52例98膝;

    Methods Patellar subluxation was diagnosed for 61 cases ( 110 knees ) with chronic anterior knee pain under fifty by Merchant technique . The shapes of patella were both type ⅱ and ⅲ of Wiberg shapes .

  4. 股内侧肌部分转移术治疗髌骨半脱位的体会

    Treatment experience of recurrent subluxation of patella by vastus medius transfer

  5. 动力性髌骨半脱位34膝。

    There were 34 knees of patellar partial dislocation in dynamic state .

  6. 髌骨半脱位者充分松解髌骨外侧支持带。

    Releasing lateral retinaculum adequately for patellar subluxation .

  7. [方法]对10例髌骨半脱位病人(12个膝)进行股内侧肌部分转移术,并应用John。

    METHODS 12 cases of recurrent subluxation of patella were operated by vastus medius transfer .

  8. 中度假体内旋(3°~8°)导致髌骨半脱位;

    Moderate combined internal rotation ( 3 ° - 8 °) correlated with patellar subluxation .

  9. 其中静力性髌骨半脱位20膝;

    Among 85 knees , there were 20 knees of patellar partial dislocation in static state ;

  10. 目的:探讨髌骨半脱位致髌骨外侧软骨面压力过高的形态学因素。

    Objective : To study the morphological factor in the excessive lateral pressure syndrome caused by subluxation of patella .

  11. 目的:探讨在正常及髌骨半脱位时股四头肌腱与股骨髁接触的变化。

    Objective : To study the tendofemoral contact variation of femoral quadriceps in normal and pathological condition such as subluxation of patella , patella tile .

  12. 关节镜下诊断疾病分别为:半月板撕裂6例,股骨髁关节软骨退变6例,髌骨半脱位5例,滑膜增生性炎症2例,前十字韧带部分损伤1例。

    Arthroscopic diagnosis for these 20 cases were as follows , meniscus tear 6 cases , degenerative cartilage injury on femoral condyle 6 cases , patellar subluxation 5 cases , inflammatory synovitis 2 cases and partial injury of anterior cruciate ligament 1 case .

  13. 结果28个有症状的髌股关节中有13膝有髌骨外侧半脱位,8膝髌骨外侧倾斜,7膝正常。

    Results With the unloaded technique , among 28 patients 13 joints had lateral subluxation , 8 had lateral tilt , 7 were normal .

  14. 目的:介绍股薄肌前移术治疗复发性髌骨脱位及半脱位的手术方法及临床疗效。

    Objective To introduce anterior transfer of the gracilis in the treatment of recurrent subluxation and dislocation of the patella , and evaluate its effects .

  15. 术后髌骨不稳定和半脱位的发生率无统计学差异。

    No statistically significant difference in occurrence of patellar instability and subluxation in both procedures .

  16. 未置换髌骨组术后髌骨半脱位3例,置换髌骨组5例。

    There were 3 subluxations in un permutation group and 5 in permutation group after patellar replacement .

  17. 结论该方法适用于髌股韧带外侧紧张、内侧松驰、Q角大于正常角所引起的髌骨软骨软化症、髌骨半脱位、复发性髌骨脱位的治疗。

    Conclusion The method is suitable for the treatment of the chondromalacia of patella with the relaxation of internal patellofemoral ligament and the overstrain of its external part , accompanying Q angle augmentation and the half dislocation of patella and the recurrent dislocation of patella .

  18. 关节镜下髌骨支持带调整术联合胫骨结节内移抬高术治疗髌骨外侧半脱位

    Treatment of Patella Lateral Subluxation Through Arthroscopic Patellar Retinaculum Adjustment and Tibial Tubercle Anteromedial Transfer