
  • 网络mannar;Gulf of Mannar
  1. 面前摆着地图,我找马纳尔湾。

    With the chart under my eyes , I looked for the Gulf of Mannar .

  2. 马纳尔湾和保克海峡将其与印度次大陆分开。

    It is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait .

  3. 我吩咐船驶到马纳尔湾,夜间我们就可以到达。

    I 'll give orders to make for the Gulf of Mannar , and we 'll arrive there late tonight .

  4. 每年三月采珠人才齐集在马纳尔湾,为期整整有三十天,他们的三百只船一齐做这种采取海中珠宝的有利事业。

    Fishermen gather in the Gulf of Mannar only during the month of March , and for thirty days some 300 boats concentrate on the lucrative harvest of these treasures from the sea .