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  • 网络Mullen;Marlon;Malan;Mullan;Malone
  1. 马伦告诉我,他此前读过一本书,名为《与爱因斯坦月球漫步》(MoonwalkingwithEinstein)。

    Mullen told me about a book he 'd read called Moonwalking with Einstein .

  2. 马伦在比赛中战胜选手乔纳斯·冯·埃森(JonasVonEssen),赢得冠军。

    Mullen won the world title from Jonas Von Essen .

  3. 麦克马伦进行人工呼吸,其他旁观者则打了911。

    McMullen performed CPR while other bystanders called 911 .

  4. 她招手打了一辆路过的出租车,让司机载她去马伦戈街。

    She signalled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the rue Marengo .

  5. 陆军上将马丁·邓普西(MartinDempsey)取代马伦成为美国最高军事官员。

    Army General Martin Dempsey replaces him as the nation 's top military officer .

  6. 港铁尖沙咀站B2出口沿金马伦道向尖沙咀东部方向步行约20分钟。

    MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit B2 and walk along Cameron Road towards East Tsim Sha Tsui for20mins .

  7. 他用21.5秒时间观察扑克牌,这个时间只比领先的YanYang短了2秒钟,但这已足以将马伦送上比赛的冠军宝座。

    He looked at the cards for 21.5 seconds - just one second faster than Yan Yang , the competition leader . It was enough to push Mullen into first place , winning the championship .

  8. 马伦希望,随着时间的推移,EMBA能帮助他晋升到首席执行官的级别和进入董事会。

    In time , Mr Mullen hopes the EMBA will help him to reach the level of chief executive and into the board room .

  9. 马伦说,他相信EMBA将有助于他打造技能,这些技能不仅对他现在的公司有利,还能拓展他未来的职业前景。

    Mr Mullen says he believes the EMBA will help him to build skills that will benefit his current company and enhance his future prospects .

  10. 另一个额外好处是,到马伦完成EMBA课程时,他将积累40万英里的常客航空里程。

    An added bonus is that by the time his EMBA programme is finished , Mr Mullen will have clocked up 400,000 frequent flyer air miles .

  11. 金马伦麦坚拿律师事务所(CMSCameronMcKenna)的西蒙莫里斯(SimonMorris)表示,此案向所有理财经理传递了一个明确的信息:所有的交易都必须是适当的,必须对其适当性进行审查。

    Simon Morris of law firm CMS Cameron McKenna said the case serves as a clear message to all wealth managers . All trades must be suitable and checked for suitability .

  12. 上月,美国参谋长联席会议主席、海军上将迈克马伦(mikemullen)曾批评中国“短视”,不肯向朝鲜施加更大压力。

    Last month Admiral Mike Mullen , chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of staff , accused China of " myopia " for not putting more pressure on North Korea .

  13. 他们三人将在卢和马伦岑科做完为期一周的太空旅行之后乘坐另一艘Soyuz宇宙飞船返回地球。

    The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after giving Lu and Malenchenko a weeklong tour .

  14. 玛丽亚姆的发现是:在另一个层面,动力学轨道严格遵循代数法则,哈佛大学(Harvard)教授柯蒂斯·T·麦克马伦(CurtisT.McMullen),他是米尔札哈尼读博时的导师。

    What Maryam discovered is that in another regime , the dynamical orbits are tightly constrained to follow algebraic laws , said Curtis T. McMullen , a professor at Harvard who was Dr. Mirzakhani 's doctoral adviser .

  15. 本周初,美国参谋长联席会议主席麦克马伦前往伊斯兰堡,与巴基斯坦官员举行高层会晤,包括Kayani将军在内。

    Earlier this week the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Admiral Mike Mullen , traveled to Islamabad to conduct high level meetings with Pakistani officials , including General Kayani .

  16. 马伦无法靠自己的冠军名号谋生。

    Mullen can 't make a living out of his title .

  17. 埃森记忆扑克牌的方法与马伦略有不同。

    Von Essen uses a slightly different technique to remember cards .

  18. 他为着转地疗养昨天到金马伦去了。

    He went to the camelon highland yesterday for a change .

  19. 麦格莱德与弗里思和马伦共同制作了丘奇的影片。

    He teamed up with Frith and Mullen for the Chuchi film .

  20. 马伦说,奥巴马广泛地听取了指挥官们的建议。

    Mullen said the president listened extensively to the commanders .

  21. 在最后的比赛环节,马伦还暂居第二位。

    Mullen was in second place when they began the final task .

  22. 不过,马伦补充说,他完全支持总统的决定。

    But he added that he fully supports the president 's decision .

  23. 但据马伦说,任何人都能做得到。

    But according to Mullen , anyone can do it .

  24. 我们在午餐时间抵达金马伦高原的汇丰银行别墅。

    We reached HSBC Bungalow at Cameron Highlands in time for afternoon tea .

  25. 据悉,希尔因逃避阿拉巴马州马伦戈县警方逮捕而受到通缉。

    Hill is wanted for attempting to elude officers in Marengo County , Alabama .

  26. 马伦上将称,哈卡尼网络与巴基斯坦政府有着密切的联系。

    Admiral Mullen said the Haqqani network has deep ties to the Pakistani government .

  27. 马伦上将表示,以色列预测伊朗的军备发展比美国预测的还要快。

    Admiral Mullen says Israel has predicted faster Iranian progress than American analysts have .

  28. 受到福尔经历的启发,马伦决定也要改善自己的记忆力。

    Mullen was spurred on to improve his own memory by Foer 's story .

  29. 陈表示他已邀请马伦尽快访问中国。

    Chen said he has invited Mullen to visit China as soon as possible .

  30. 马伦将军说,他没有得到有关此类事件发生的信息。

    Admiral Mullen said he has received no information that such an incident happened .