
  • 网络JVD;engorgement of neck vein;distend neck vein;jugular filling;jugular vein distention
  1. 结果CTP主要症状为气促、心悸、胸闷及腹胀,体征主要为颈静脉怒张与下肢水肿;

    Results The main symptoms of CTP were pant , palpitation and abdominal distention . And the main sign included jugular vein dilatation , legs edema .

  2. 心衰的症状包括气短、乏力、下肢水肿、腹水、颈静脉怒张。

    Symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath and tiredness .

  3. 颈静脉怒张、心音低沉、及奇脉提示心包填塞。

    Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention , muffled heart sounds , and a paradoxical pulse .

  4. 临床表现具有诊断意义者为颈静脉怒张,肝大,腹水,心电图T波普遍低平或倒置。

    Clinical manifestations of diagnostic significance were marked venous engorgement in the neck , hepatomegaly , ascites , and flattened or inverted T waves on electrocardiogram .

  5. 表现:气急21例、咳嗽9例、头面部肿胀12例、颈静脉怒张11例、端坐呼吸9例。

    In 28 children 21 had dyspnea , 9 had cough , 9 had orthopnea , 12 had swelling of head and neck , and 11 had venous engorgement .

  6. 没有迹象表明腹膜腔内有出血,也没有气胸体征,但头颈部越来越变得呈青紫色,颈静脉明显怒张。

    There were no signs of Bleeding into the peritoneal cavity nor of pneumothorax , But the head and neck became increasingly cyanosed and the jugular veins considerably distended .