
  • 网络Project Calendar
  1. 最初,资源日历设置与项目日历匹配。

    Initially , the resource calendar settings match the project calendar .

  2. 任务仅根据“资源日历”或“项目日历”进行计划。

    Tasks are scheduled only according to the resource calendars or the project calendar .

  3. 在此项目日历中,一周的每一天都是工作日。

    In this project calendar , every day of the week is a working day .

  4. 默认情况下,资源日历为“标准”项目日历,即指定40小时工作周。

    By default , this is the standard project calendar , which specifies a40-hour work week .

  5. 默认情况下,资源日历中的工作时间设置与项目日历匹配。

    By default , the working time settings in the resource calendar match the project calendar .

  6. 项目日历、任务日历、资源日历都是从标准日历这个模板派生出来的。

    Base calendars are templates that project calendars , task calendars , and resource calendars are derived from .

  7. 可选择基准日历用作项目日历,或者用作资源日历的基础。

    You can select a base calendar to use as the project calendar or as the basis for a resource calendar .

  8. 如果要更改此设置,请考虑使用“工具”菜单中的“更改工作时间”命令来匹配项目日历。

    If you change this setting , consider matching the project calendar using the Change Working Time command on the Tools menu .

  9. 如果不使用资源日历或任务日历,默认情况下,任务在项目日历的工作时间中排定日程。

    If resource calendars or task calendars are not used , tasks are scheduled during the working time on the project calendar by default .

  10. 在为任务创建和应用特殊基准日历时,其设置将在排定任务日程时取代项目日历设置。

    When you create and apply a specific base calendar to a task , its settings override the project calendar settings when scheduling the task .

  11. 项目日历和任务日历用于排定任务的日程,如果为任务分配了资源,也会使用资源日历。

    Project and task calendars are used in scheduling tasks , and , if resources are assigned to tasks , resource calendars are used as well .

  12. 项目日历定义了一个项目的工作和非工作日期和时间,作为项目下任务的默认日历。

    The project calendar defines the working and nonworking days and times for a specific project , and is used by default for the tasks in that project .

  13. 找不到该项目的日历文件夹。

    Can 't find the Calendar folder for this item .

  14. 所有要合并的项目包含相同的日历。

    All projects to be consolidated contain identical calendars .

  15. 将项目中的基准日历映射到企业日历或重新命名。

    Map the base calendars in the project to enterprise calendars or rename them .

  16. {无法复制、重命名、或删除项目摘要与基准日历报表。}

    { The Project Summary and Base Calendar reports cannot be copied , renamed , or deleted . }

  17. {一个或多个视图所使用的日历位于无法打开的项目中。}它们将使用第一个插入项目的标准日历。

    { One or more views were using calendar information from a project that could not be opened . } They will use instead the Standard calendar from the first inserted project .

  18. 如果没有为项目中的任务分配资源,project将使用工期、任务相关性、限制和项目及任务日历信息计算日程。

    If you don 't assign resources to tasks in your project , project calculates the schedule using durations , task dependencies , constraints , and project and task calendar information .