
  • 网络Assam tea;Assam Superb
  1. 茶叶是大吉岭茶还是阿萨姆茶?

    Are the leaves Darjeeling or assam ?

  2. 今年早些时候,英航决定采用一种由肯尼亚茶、阿萨姆茶和锡兰高地茶混合而成的茶叶。

    The airline settled earlier this year on a tea that 's a mixture of Kenya , Assam and High Ceylon teas .

  3. 至于不同地区的台湾山茶之间、或是茶与阿萨姆茶之间,皆无法以花粉形态来区分

    In contrast , C. sinensis var. sinensis and assamica couldn 't be distinguished by the morphology of pollens .

  4. RajibBarooah,茶种植在Jorhat,阿萨姆邦的主要茶叶产区,一致认为,强有力的阿萨姆茶的味道已经减弱。

    Rajib Barooah , a tea planter in Jorhat , Assam 's main tea growing district , agreed that the potent taste of Assam tea has weakened .