
  1. 但是本周初,阿富汗独立选举委员会宣布卡尔扎伊再次当选。

    But earlier this week the Independent Election Commission declared Hamid Karzai the winner of a second term .

  2. 记者问阿富汗独立选举委员会秘书长纳杰菲他对这个数字的看法。

    The Secretary General of the Afghan Independent Election Commission , Daoud Ali Najafi , was asked by reporters about that figure .

  3. 阿富汗独立选举委员会曾经说,部分结果会在星期四投票结束的48小时后公布。

    The Afghan Independent Election Commission , known as the IEC , had previously said partial results would be released 48 hours after the close of Thursday 's polls .

  4. 阿兰.勒罗伊声称,联合国已考察数周,认为阿富汗独立选举委员会设定的8月20日选举“很合理”,在此之前“极不可能”实现可信的选举。

    Alain Le Roy said the United Nations has maintained for weeks that it considers the August 20th date set by Afghanistan 's Independent Election Commission " very reasonable , " and that it would be " almost impossible " to get credible elections before then .

  5. 阿富汗的独立选举委员会正要求选民和本国媒体不要理会各阵营声称自己的候选人在第一轮总统选举中获胜的说法。

    Dueling Claims of Victory in Afghan Presidential Election Afghanistan 's Independent Election Commission is asking voters and the media to ignore claims by competing camps that their candidates captured a first-run victory in the presidential election .

  6. 清点选票由阿富汗政府指定的独立选举委员会进行。

    The votes were counted by the government-appointed Independent Election Commission .