
  • 网络Yang Mound Spring
  1. 强刺激阳陵泉配合TDP照射治疗落枕

    Strong stimulating to Yanglingquan point combined with TDP irradiation treatment on stiff neck

  2. 结果:1.阳陵泉穴组针刺前后各项差值比较均具有非常显著性差异(P0.01)。

    Results : 1 . Yanglingquan points of the difference before and after the acupuncture group compared with the very significant difference ( P0.01 ) . 2 .

  3. 胆囊穴组针刺后与针刺前比较胆囊收缩各项指标均具有统计学意义,有非常显著性差异(P0.01),与阳陵泉穴组比较没有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Dannang point group of acupuncture points with acupuncture earlier cholecystokinin indicators are statistically significant , there is a very significant difference ( P0.01 ), with Yanglingquan point group there were no significant differences ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  4. 各组用生理记录仪记录Oddi括约肌肌电活动1h后,除空白组外,其余各组均静滴阿托品,静滴的同时足三里、阳陵泉、四白、承筋组分别电针相应腧穴20min。

    Physiology recorder used to record Oddi 's sphincter movement , 1 hour later , excepting blank group , rabbits in other groups were administrated by intravenous drip with atropine , meanwhile with EA at acupoints respectively for 20 minutes .

  5. 肢体局部取穴组取足三里、阳陵泉穴。

    Local point of limbs group treating Zusanli and Yanglingquan points ;

  6. 艾灸大椎、阳陵泉速降血沉211例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 211 Cases Treated by Moxibustion for Quickening ESR

  7. 针刺阳陵泉穴缓解胆绞痛的即效性观察

    Puncturing on Yanglingquan Point for Relieving of Colic Pain of Bile Cyst

  8. 针刺阳陵泉缓解腓肠肌痉挛多中心临床评价

    Multi-center Clinical Evaluation on Acupuncture Yanglingquan for Relieving Gastrocnemius Spasm

  9. 针刺干预选用肾俞、足三里、阳陵泉三穴位。

    Acupuncture intervention selection Shen Shu , Foot 3 miles , YangLingQuan three meridians .

  10. 结论:针刺阳陵泉、胆俞穴对急性胆囊炎患者,可使胆囊收缩功能明显增强,有利于胆囊炎的恢复[1];

    Conclusion : Acupuncture can enhance the biliary tract contraction and promote the recovery from cholecystitis .

  11. 针刺阳陵泉穴对30例健康人胆囊收缩功能的研究

    The Effects of Acupuncture of Yanglingquan on the Biliary Tract Contraction in 30 Cases of Healthy Persons

  12. 模型组、大椎组、阳陵泉组以卵蛋白致敏法建立哮喘模型后饲养10日;

    The guinea pigs in model group are raised with 10 days after being made model by ova-protein sensitization .

  13. 观察胆道蛔虫症100例。治疗组60例用针灸中药辅以脂餐硫酸镁总攻疗法治疗,针灸取穴:肝俞、胆俞、日月、期门、阳陵泉。

    Sixty cases of binary ascariasis were treated by acupuncture , moxibustion and medicine combined with fat-meal-MgSO_4 sequence therapy .

  14. 火针刺血疗法的临床应用心得针灸组给予单纯针灸治疗,用普通手法针刺足三里、环跳、阳陵泉、三阴交。

    The clinical application of bleeding - acupuncture with fire needle The patients in the acupuncture group were treated with simple needle therapy .

  15. 目的:探讨针刺阳陵泉穴对胆道系统运动的效果与机理。

    Objective To explore the effect of opposing needling at Yanglingquan ( GB 34 ) on motion of the biliary tract system and mechanisms .

  16. 本文以阿是穴、曲池外关、条口透承山、阳陵泉为基本方治疗肩凝症。

    Ashi Point , Quchi point , Waiguan point , Tiaokou point through Chengshan point and Yanglingquan point are basic for frozen shoulder treatment .

  17. 中渚、阳陵泉穴与脑功能区的关系:功能性磁共振成像研究

    Study of the relationship between the acupoints of Zhongzhu ( TE 3 ), Yanglingquan ( GB 34 ) and their corresponding cortical areas with the functional MRI

  18. 目的观察筋会穴阳陵泉治疗痹证的疗效及实验依据。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of acu moxibustion of Yanglingquan ( G 34 ), influential point of tendons , on wind damp syndrome , and experimental basis .

  19. 但是,对于推拿手法治疗后损伤局部软组织修复的形态学的研究则报道较少,特别是对于软组织损伤取穴筋会阳陵泉的研究报道更少。

    But there are few reports about morphologic study of local soft tissue after using Tuna method especially selecting the influential point of tendons Yanglingquan to treat the injury of soft tissue .

  20. 结论:1.阳陵泉穴、胆囊穴都具有使慢性胆囊炎患者胆囊收缩的针刺效应,胆囊穴的效果与阳陵泉穴效果相当。

    Conclusion : 1 . Yanglingquan point , Dannang point are so that patients with chronic cholecystitis cholecystokinin effects of acupuncture , the effects of Dannang point Yanglingquan points with considerable effect . 2 .

  21. 治疗组运用巨刺法以健侧合谷、曲池、手三里、肩髃、风市、足三里、阳陵泉、悬钟等阳明经穴为主。

    The treatment group using Opposing Needling in order to good side and hegu , quchi , shousanli , jianyu , fengshi , zusanli , yanglingquan 、 xuanzhong , such as mainly yangming meridian .

  22. 体针取穴:上肢取肩髃,曲池,手三里,内关;下肢取环跳,阳陵泉,委中,阳辅,解溪,昆仑。

    Body acupuncture acupoints : upper shoulder Jian Yu , Qu Chi , Shou San Li , Nei Guang ; leg to take Huan Tiao , Yanglingquan , Wei Zhong , Yang Fu , Xue Hai , Kunlun .