
yánɡ xié
  • Yang evil;pathogen of yang nature
  1. 暑为阳邪,风也为阳邪,火也为阳邪。

    Summer heat is a yang pathogen , so is wind , and so is fire-heat .

  2. 又因风为阳邪,温亦为阳邪,两阳两劫,则伤阴耗液,下竭肝肾。

    And because the wind for Yang evil , wen also for Yang evil , two Yang , the injury two hook , dried Yin consumption liquid kidney .

  3. 诸多医家认为吸烟是与火热证关系最密切的一个危险因素,认为烟草以草木为本,草木又可生火,故烟雾首先具有火热之性,属阳邪。

    Many physicians believe that smoking is a risk factor for the closest relationship with the heart-syndrome that tobacco oriented to the vegetation , the vegetation can be a fire , so the smoke first with fiery nature , it is a positive evil .