
  • 网络Railway operating mileage;length of railroad lines in service
  1. 提出应用遗传算法(GA)和模拟退火(SA)优化神经网络预测铁路营业里程。

    A method is proposed for the prediction of length sequence of railways in operation based on genetic algorithm ( GA ) and simulated annealing ( SA ) optimized neural networks .

  2. 2005年铁路营业里程达到7.5万公里。

    By 2005 , the mileage of railways in operation will total 75,000 km .

  3. 截至2019年年末,全国铁路营业里程13.9万公里,其中高铁营业里程达到3.5万公里。

    China 's railway operation mileage reached 139000 kilometers by the end of last year , with 35000 kilometers of high-speed railways .

  4. 中国国家统计局日前发布的数据显示,2018年末,中国铁路营业里程达到13.1万公里。

    The latest figures from the statistics bureau show that China had 130-thousand kilometers of operating railway by the end of last year .

  5. 目前,中国总铁路营业里程约为7.5万公里,占到世界铁路营业总里程的6%左右。

    At present , China total railway has an open mileage about 73,000 , accounting for about 6 % of the world railway open total mileage .

  6. 到2000年底,全国铁路营业里程可达6.8万公里,比“八五”末期增加6000公里。

    By the end of 2000 , the total length of railways in operation had reached 68,000 km , a rise of 6,000 km on 1995 .

  7. 近年来,中国轨道交通建设得到了快速发展,铁路营业里程和城市轨道交通建设里程已位居世界前列。

    China rail transit construction has been developed rapidly in recent years . Railway operating mileage and urban rail transit construction mileage has been ranked in the world .

  8. 铁路营业里程又称营业长度(括正式营业和临时营业里程)指办理客货运输业务的铁路正线总长度。

    Length of Railways in Operation refers to the total length of the trunk line under passenger and freight transportation ( including both full operation and temporary operation ) .

  9. 在此让大家了解一下背景,中国铁路营业里程比1949年新中国成立时增长了5倍。

    To put that in context , the country 's rail network is now 5-times longer than it was back when the People 's Republic of China was founded in 1949 .

  10. 到2005年,将中国铁路营业里程增加到7.5万公里。新开工电站规模7700万千瓦。

    By 2005 , China 's railway mileage in operation will be increased by 75,000 km , and the installed capacity of new power stations under construction will total 77 million kw .

  11. 目前,我国已投入运营的高速铁路营业里程达到7431公里,居世界第一位。

    By the end of 2009 , our country railroad revenue kilometres amount to 86,000 kilometers , occupies second in the world . At present , has put into service the high-speed railroad revenue kilometres amount to 7431 kilometers , occupies first in the world .

  12. 一是快速扩充运输能力,预计未来17年铁路要新增营业里程28000km,到2020年全国铁路营业里程将达10万km左右。

    One is to expand the capacities of the railway transportations quickly . It is estimated that national commercial mileage will be increased by 28,000 km and will reach around 100,000 km in 2020 . The other one is to improve the technical level of equipments quickly .

  13. 本文针对我国单线铁路约占营业里程80%的现实,提出了单线铁路应根据情况,尽量采用先进的信号设备的具体建议;

    With the single track railway taking 80 % of the total revenue kilometres in China , a specific proposal of making the widest possible use of advanced signal equipment has been put forward ;

  14. 中国也拥有世界上最大的高速铁路网,去年年末,高速铁路的营业里程已超过3万公里。

    China is also home to the world 's largest high-speed railway network , which had more than 30-thousand kilometers of track at the end of last year .

  15. 以铁路为例,过去几十年中,中国的铁路营业里程由5万公里扩建到7.8万公里,不过人均只有5.6厘米,还不到一根香烟的长度。

    Take railway for example . Over the decades China has increased its operational railways from 50,000 km to 78,000 km , but in per capita terms , an average Chinese only gets 5.6 cm of railway , shorter than a cigarette .