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  • 网络gold lock;Wincph;KimKwasnecha
  1. 《金锁记》的伦理世界

    The Ethical World of The Story of the Gold Lock

  2. 叙事时间之外的故事&简论《金锁记》增大故事容量的叙述技巧

    Plots beyond Narration : on the Narrative Techniques of the Story of Gold Lock

  3. 根据新规定,单家合格境外机构投资者(QFII)的最高投资额度从8亿美元提高至10亿美元,保险公司和养老基金的投资本金锁定期从1年缩短为3个月。

    The new regulations raised the maximum sum a single Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor ( QFII ) may invest from $ 800m ( 489m , 537m ) to $ 1bn , and shortened the lock-up period for insurers and pension funds to three months from a year .

  4. 塞诺维娅战败并于公元272年被捕,她被皇帝奥勒利安(Aurelian)用金锁链铐着在罗马城中游行,从此巴尔米拉就被遗弃了,并且再也不复往日的繁荣。

    After Zenobia 's defeat and capture in 272 AD , she was paraded in golden shackles by Emperor Aurelian through the city of Rome , while Palmyra was sacked and never truly recovered .

  5. 《金锁记》中曹七巧人物形象分析

    Analysis of Cao Qi-qiao in The Legend of Golden Lock

  6. 电视剧《金锁记》的男性意识

    Masculine Consciousness in the TV Series " The Story of Jinshuo "

  7. 论《金锁记》和《桂花巷》中的女性主体性建构

    Describing Female Entity Building in The Story of Golden Shackles and Sweet-scented Osmanthus Lane

  8. 张爱玲小说现代技巧的运用&以《金锁记》为例

    Modern Techniques Used in Eileen Chang 's Stories & Looking into The Golden Chain

  9. 说不尽的苍凉的故事&谈《金锁记》的现代意识

    The Endless Bleak Story ── Talking about the modern consciousness of The Golden Lock

  10. 狂野爱情的毁灭&从电视剧《金锁记》谈改编艺术

    The Destruction of Crazy Love & On the Adaptation Art of Golden Lock Notes

  11. 《金锁记》主题与性别的转换

    Theme and Sexual Conversion in The Gold Lock

  12. 《金锁记》充满了激烈的欲理之争。

    The Biography of Golden Lock is full of the fierce competition between desires and ethics .

  13. 金锁姑娘和三只小熊?

    Goldilocks and the Three Bears ?

  14. 接受·扬弃·创造&《窦娥冤》与《金锁记》戏曲艺术经验传承比较研究

    Accept , Sublation , Creation & and , a Comparative Research of Inheritance Experience of Traditional Opera

  15. 从德国功能派翻译理论看《金锁记》的翻译策略

    The Study of Translation Strategies in The Golden Cangue in the Perspective of German Functionalist Approach to Translation

  16. 《悲悼》与《金锁记》结尾之比较

    Comparison between the Finis of " Mourning Become Electra " and of " The Story of Gold Lock "

  17. 女性命运的象征&解读《金锁记》中的月亮意象

    A Symbol of the Female Destiny & Commenting on the Moon Image in " The Record of Gold Lock "

  18. 悲歌·挽歌:她们的世界&《雷雨》、《金锁记》女性形象比较

    Threnody and Dirge : the World of Female & The Female Image in The Thunderstorm and The Golden Lock Story

  19. 以《金锁记》为例谈20世纪汉语文学经典的价值尺度

    A Study into the Scale of the 20th Chinese Literature Classics through Researching on the Example of The Golden Cangue

  20. 改编后的《金锁记》所带来的艺术效果是强烈的,为改编艺术提供了一种参考和借鉴。

    Due to the strong artistic effect , the adapted Golden Lock Notes provides a useful reference for the adaptation art .

  21. 家族、生存和人性的悲剧&重评张爱玲的小说《金锁记》

    The Tragedy of Family , Living and Human Nature & Reappraisal of Zhang Ai-ling s The Story of Golden Shackles ;

  22. 【目的】观察金锁固精丸加味方对阿霉素肾病模型大鼠的治疗作用。

    [ Objective ] To observe the therapeutic effect of Modified Jinsuo Gujin Pill ( MJGP ) on adriamycin-induced nephropathy in rats .

  23. 那是一个红色皮质、页码带有金边的小本子,我对它上面的那个小金锁特别的好奇。

    It was a little red leather book with gilt-edged pages , and I was most intrigued by its little gold lock .

  24. 创作于40年代的张爱玲小说《金锁记》,历来是人们评论的一个焦点。

    The novel " The golden Lock ", written by Zhang Ailing in 1940s , is the focus on which people always Comment .

  25. 无爱的世界人性的荒原&对张爱玲《金锁记》中曹七巧灵魂扭曲的思考

    The Loveless World and the Wasteland of Humanity & Thought on the Distorted Soul of Cao Qi-qiao in Zhang Ai-ling 's Golden Lock

  26. 因此本文引用并分析了《金锁记》和《了不起的盖茨比》中的明喻和隐喻句子。以两本小说为语言背景研究明喻和隐喻之间的差异。

    Therefore in this thesis some similes and metaphors from The Golden Cangue and The Great Gatsby are cited and analyzed in the context .

  27. 在微观层面上,本文将从文学、语言和文化等方面深入探讨《金锁记》译文中的杂合问题,对其进行描述性研究。

    On the micro level , the thesis carries out a descriptive analysis of cultural , linguistic and literary hybridity prevailing in the translation .

  28. 天使的坠落&《金锁记》、《玫瑰门》中的恶母形象分析

    The Fall of Angel & Analysis to the wicked mothers in novels of the story of A Golden Lock and The Gate of Roses

  29. 故事流动中,技巧纷呈,把《金锁记》和张爱玲的其他小说比,它既集合张爱玲小说的特点,又超脱于其他小说;小说内容独一无二;

    Compared with other novels by Zhang Ailing , Golden Lock has the characteristics of them and at the same time stands aloof from them .

  30. 把《金锁记》置于现代小说的发展背景中考察,它的艺术价值脱颖而出:环境展现中隐潜着人的异化;

    To review Golden Lock in the background of modern novel development helps show more clearly its artistic value : the human dissimilation hidden in the description of surroundings ;