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  1. 九运金牌运动员与九运参赛运动员人格结构特点比较,表现出高世故性、高自律性和低紧张性特点。

    The gold medallists were more sophisticated , self disciplined and less nervous compared with those participants .

  2. 对南京市赛艇队的六城会金牌运动员朱韦韦赛前训练监测的研究

    The Research of Pre-control Training about Nanjing Rowing Team Six City Council 's Gold Medals Athletes Zhu Weiwei

  3. 广东省体校金牌运动员的人格结构特点

    A preliminary study on personality construct features of gold medallists of Guangdong Sports Schools at the Ninth National Games

  4. 有远见的经理发现那些顶级教练训练金牌运动员的技巧应用在商业机构上也同样了得。

    Forward-thinking managers have discovered that the same skills that coaches use to create winners in athletics work just as well in a business organization .

  5. 美国付给金牌运动员的奖金是1.5万英镑,还能让人勉强接受,而奥地利和德国的奖金只有不到1.3万英镑。

    The US will pay a not to be sniffed at 15000 to a gold medallist , while Austria and Germany will pay just under 13000 .

  6. 当时刘翔在比赛开始前的最后一分钟因为脚踝和大腿拉伤退赛,他的追随者眼睁睁地看着这位金牌运动员从鸟巢中蹇足而出。

    Then fans watched in shock as he walked out of the Bird 's Nest stadium at the very last minute due to leg and heel injuries .

  7. 为六位辽宁亚运金牌运动员祷告,愿他们行在圣灵的大能里而不是活在属世的荣耀里。

    Pray for these six Liaoning Asian Game gold medalists to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and not live for the glory of this world .

  8. 国际体联调查了参加2008北京奥运会的几名中国体操队几名获得了金牌运动员后,对董芳霄和杨云年龄产生了怀疑。

    Questions about Dong and Yang 's ages arose during the FIG 's investigation into the eligibility of several members of China 's team that won the gold medal at the Beijing Games .

  9. 施密特是另一位在2012年伦敦奥运会上获得金牌的运动员。

    Schmitt is another athlete who won gold medals in London in 2012 .

  10. 巩立姣是中国历史上在奥运会田赛比赛中获得金牌的运动员。

    Gong Lijiao is the first Chinese athlete to be crowned the Olympic champion in any field event .

  11. 这个了不起的美国游泳选手在北京奥运的第一个星期里成为第一个在一届奥运会上赢得8枚金牌的运动员。

    The American swimming great won an unprecedented eight gold medals at a single Olympics during the first week in Beijing .

  12. 博尔特此次的胜利使他成为第一位连续两届奥运会同时获得100米和200米短跑金牌的运动员。

    Bolt 's victory makes him the first man to have won both the 100m and 200m at two successive Olympics .

  13. 曾获得沙滩排球金牌的运动员克里。沃尔什说,重要的是,要记住奥运会的真正意义。

    Kerri Walsh-a defending gold medalist in beach volleyball-says it is important to keep the true meaning of the Olympics in mind .

  14. 这名游泳选手成为第一位在一届奥运会上赢得8枚金牌的运动员,从而创造了游泳历史。

    Swimmer Michael Phelps made history in the pool when he became the first athlete to win eight gold medals at a single Olympics .

  15. 为本周特别提名的奥运金牌得奖运动员祷告。愿他们认识爱我们并赐我们各样美好恩赐的创造主。

    Pray for the Olympic gold medalists named this week to know the Creator who loves us and gives us every good and perfect gift .

  16. 上最多才多艺的击剑运动员,他是唯一一位在同一届奥运会击剑的三个不同比赛项目中都金牌的运动员。

    Nedo Nadi was the most versatile fencer in history , uniquely winning an Olympic title with each of the three weapons at the same Games .

  17. 如果这名26岁的老将赢得女子个人3米跳板的比赛,吴敏霞将和郭晶晶一样成为拥有4枚金牌的运动员。

    If the 26-year-old Wu wins the 3-meter springboard event , she will equal retired Guo Jingjing as the most successful diver with four Olympic gold .

  18. 曾获得沙滩排球金牌的运动员克里.沃尔什说,重要的是,要记住奥运会的真正意义。

    Kerri Walsh - a defending gold medalist in beach volleyball - says it is important to keep the true meaning of the Olympics in mind .

  19. 2004年,刘翔成为中国第一位赢得奥运田径金牌的运动员,以平世界纪录的成绩,在雅典奥运会上获得了110米跨栏冠军。

    In 2004 , Mr. Liu became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic gold medal in track , taking the 110-meter hurdles at the Athens Games with a time that tied the world record .

  20. 索契冬奥会是历史上最为昂贵的一届,斩获金牌的运动员们荣归故里还不到8个月的时间,这座曾经满载荣誉的小镇已经变成了鬼城。

    The scene of the most expensive Olympic Games in history , yet 8 months on and with the athletes long gone , it 's turned from the home of gold medal winning glories to a ghost town .

  21. 在四年前北京奥运会奖牌榜前十名的国家中,意大利是最慷慨的国家,其获得金牌的运动员可以得到11.6万英镑的奖金。

    Of the nations that finished in the top 10 of total medal hauls at Beijing four years ago , Italy is the most generous to its stars . It offers & # 163 ; 116,000 for a gold .

  22. 但愿奥运会后的情形亦是如此,获得金牌的运动员表现出的决心与奉献、设计者的效率、志愿者的耐心与幽默、人群的激动与喜悦。

    And hopefully so it will be in the aftermath to the Olympics , the determination and dedication demonstrated by the medal winners , the efficiency and effectiveness of the planners , the patience and good humour of the volunteers , the joy and exhilaration of the crowds .

  23. 一枚奥运金牌能给运动员带来无尽的财富。

    An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete

  24. 杰西·欧文斯,第一个在一次奥林匹克竞赛中获得四枚金牌的美国运动员,出生于1913年,原名詹姆斯·克利夫兰·欧文斯(JamesClevelandOwens)。

    The first American athlete to win four gold medals in one Olympics , Jesse Cleveland was born James Cleveland Owens in 1913 .

  25. 获得过多枚奥运奖牌的其他英国运动员还包括历史上最优秀的帆船运动员之一艾恩斯利(BenAinslie),以及在2008年赢得两枚金牌的游泳运动员阿德灵顿(RebeccaAdlington)。

    Other British competitors with multiple past medals include Ben Ainslie , one of the best competitive sailors in history , and swimmer Rebecca Adlington , who won two golds in 2008 .

  26. 在一次奥运会上赢得奥运金牌最多的运动员是谁?

    Who won the most gold medals at one Olympic Games ?

  27. 迈克尔-菲尔普斯昨天“游”进了奥运史册,成了奥运史上获得金牌最多的运动员。

    Michael Phelps swam into Olympic history yesterday , becoming the athlete to win the most gold medals ever .

  28. 最近一位获得二三块奥运会金牌的女运动员是谁?&这可是个难题。

    Who was the last woman to win three Olympic gold medals ? & that 's quite a poser .

  29. 刘宏宇、王妍是中国参赛第27届奥运会争夺金牌的重点运动员。

    Liu Hongyu and Wang Yan are the most promising athletes to win medals at the coming Sydney Olympic Games .

  30. 在亚特兰大奥运会上唯一一位获得拳击金牌的美国运动员戴维雷德宣布将转为职业拳手。

    David Reid , the only American boxing gold medalist at the Atlanta Olympics will announce a deal to turn pro .