
  • 网络financial publics
  1. 不论是科技、金融市场、公众不满情绪,还是全球地缘政治动荡,如今一切东西都在“快进”。

    Whether it is technology , financial markets , popular discontent or global geopolitical upheaval everything now runs at fast forward .

  2. 支持此类规则的呼声日益高涨,这在一定程度上是2008年金融危机之后公众对避税行为的不满所致。

    The groundswell of support for such rules was partly a result of public anger over tax evasion following the 2008 financial crisis .

  3. 股东向汇丰表示,面对金融危机后公众与政界的愤怒,遏制高薪是大势所趋,加薪的做法与之背道而驰。

    Shareholders told the bank that the rise was at odds with trends to temper big payouts in the face of public and political anger after the financial crisis .

  4. 也许高盛不用为金融体系失去公众的信赖承担全部责任,但相关后果可能会对整个金融体系持续产生影响。

    While Goldman may not pay the full brunt of the price for the lost trust in the financial system , the outcomes are likely to continue to ripple across the system .

  5. 相比之下,有关机构就金融危机向公众提供的信息零星而且不一致,很可能加大了接踵而至的市场混乱和恐慌。

    Compare this approach with the sporadic and inconsistent messages that were communicated to the public regarding the current financial crisis , which may well have magnified the market dislocation and panic that ensued .

  6. 到目前为止,金融动荡对公众的冲击尚属有限,只有为数不多的几家中型银行无法留住存款,促使拥有政府背景的银行借助央行资金出手进行了收购。

    So far , the impact on the public has been limited , with only a few mid-sized banks failing to honor deposits , prompting takeovers by state-affiliated banks with funds from the central bank .

  7. 尽管没有任何一种限制伊朗石油收入的手段是完美的,至少金融制裁引起公众强烈反对的可能性不像石油禁运那么大,后者会被视为对伊朗的攻击。

    While no route to restricting Iranian oil revenues is perfect , at least financial sanctions are not as likely to lead to a popular backlash as an oil embargo , which would be seen as an attack on Iran .

  8. 这需要与众多银行业金融机构、广大公众良性互动,共同参与。

    It requires positive interaction as well as mutual participation of both financial institutions and the general public .

  9. 二可以使问题银行的资产得到迅速处置,从而保持金融稳定,维护公众信心;

    Secondly , the assets of problem banks can be dealt with rapidly , thereby maintaining the financial stability and public confidence .

  10. 同时,在此次金融危机之后,公众对于伦敦金融城信任的崩塌,导致工党借机出台政策,批评人士认为这些政策的特点是敌视企业。

    The collapse of public confidence in the City following the financial crisis has meanwhile been channelled by Labour into policies characterised by critics as hostile to business .

  11. 更重要的是,由于监管者倾向于忽视那些无法忽视的问题,因此让我们尽可能把经济和金融数据交到公众手中,让投资者来解决吧。

    More important , because regulators are prone to miss elephants in living rooms , get as much detailed economic and financial data into the public domain as possible and let investors work it out .

  12. 中间业务作为金融深化与金融业竞争的必然产物,在金融管制放松、金融市场发展与公众需求的不断增加下迅速发展,已成为当代国际银行业的主要收入来源。

    As the production of financial deepening and financial competition , Intermediary business has developed a lot under the situation of less financial control , the development of financial market and the increasing public demands , and has become the main resources of contemporary international banks .