
  • 网络Recrystallization;recrystalization
  1. 该片麻岩系由太古宙侵入岩经动力变质作用、静态重结晶作用而形成的构造片麻岩类。

    The gneiss series was formed by the tectonic gneisses of the Archean intrusive rocks through dynamic metamorphism and static recrystallization .

  2. 东部的构造片岩内残留有较多糜棱结构,说明构造片岩原为糜棱岩经重结晶作用演变成,具有典型的塑性变形特征。

    Eastern schists have more remaining mylonitic structure inside , indicating tectonic schists are mylonite originally by recrystallization , with the typical plastic deformation .

  3. LA-ICPMS锆石原位微量元素研究显示,本区锆石经历了弱的变质重结晶作用,且可能遭受到后期热液蚀变作用的改造;

    LA-ICPMS in situ trace elements studies indicate that the zircons experienced weak metamorphism and may also undergo hydrothermal alteration later .

  4. 剪切带内糜棱岩的塑性变形和恢复重结晶作用强烈。

    The deformation and recrystallization in the shear zone are very strong .

  5. 晚期自生粘土矿物的形成和早期粘土矿物的重结晶作用。

    Formation of late authigenic clay minerals and recrystallization of early clay minerals .

  6. 胶状黄铁矿环带和微环带是黄铁矿胶体沉淀后重结晶作用形成的;

    Colloid form pyrite girdles and microgirdles were formed by recrystallization after pyrite colloid had deposited .

  7. 吸附着铀的炭经构造重结晶作用从晶体中排出,从而改善了铀源质量;

    The uranium-adsorbing carbon is released from the crystal by structure-induced recrystallization , leading to refinement of sources uranium ;

  8. 发现含盐系盐层内广泛出现各种成岩变化,主要是压榨作用、溶蚀作用、重结晶作用、交代作用、胶结作用及断裂构造作用等。

    The studies showed that various kinds of diagenesis had occurred in the Quaternary salt-bearing strata , mainly including compaction , dissolution , re-crystallization , replacement , cementation , and fracturing .

  9. 由于沉积岩一经形成就会受到成岩作用的化学改造,主要包括两个过程:胶结作用、溶蚀-重结晶作用,这些后期作用会影响全岩微量元素的原始化学组成。

    The original signals of sedimentary rocks are overprinted by the diagenesis soon after its formation , including two processes : cementation and dissolution-recrystallization , which would change the initial compositions .

  10. 水泥加固土结合水率、无侧限抗压强度及电阻率三者的增长都是水泥水化物不断发生结晶、重结晶作用的结果。

    Still more , increase of the drink water ratio , unconfined compressive strength and electrical resistance ratio value of cement-soil is the constant crystal and recrystal effect of the cement hydrolysate .

  11. 晚期韧性剪切变形与区域D3变形幕有关,伴随有绿泥石、冻蓝闪石等的出现和石英、方解石的动态重结晶作用。

    The late ductile shearing ( DF_2 ) formed in D_3 deformation phase is accompanied by the appearance of chlorite and barroisite etc. and dynamic recrystallization of albite , quartz and calcite .

  12. 凡口矿区中生代晚期热事件的加热和保温层的覆盖,使得早期贫矿体经历退火静态重结晶作用,使贫矿体向内部收缩和圆化呈截然边界,总体演变成为高品位的超大型铅锌矿床。

    Heated by the late Mesozoic thermal event and covered by thermal insulation beds , the early low-grade ore bodies underwent an annealing static recrystallization , and became a high-grade superlarge lead-zinc ore deposit .

  13. 在变质、混合岩化及部分熔融作用形成混合岩穹窿过程中,磷质发生了运移,在穹窿变质岩与混合岩接触带发生了交代结晶与重结晶作用。

    During the formation of the migmatite dome by metamorphism , migmatization and partial melting , phosphorus was transported and crystallized and recrystallized in the contract zone between the metasediment zone and the migmatite zone .

  14. 在埋藏过程中,砂岩火山尘填隙物的水岩反应受到煤系地层水介质性质及其活动性影响,主要发生脱水收缩作用、溶解作用、蚀变作用、碳酸盐交代作用和重结晶作用;

    The tuff fillings of sandstone are susceptible to the property and activity of the formation water , and have mainly experienced synaeresis , dissolution , alteration , carbonate metasomatism and recrystallization in a burial environment .

  15. 本文分析了糜棱岩(石英)含矿性的构造动力机制,并讨论了石英的红外和顺磁谱学特征,结果表明,恢复作用和动态重结晶作用对金成矿最有利;

    This paper deals with the tectonic kinetics of ore-bearing mylonite ( quartz ) and the characteristics of IR and EPR spectra for quartz from this area through which the following conclusions have been reached : 1 ) restoration and dynamic recrystallization is of most benefit to gold mineralization ;

  16. 化石化作用总趋势是有机质丢失,其它钙的磷酸盐溶解,CO32-含量增加并置换PO43-进入晶格和磷灰石重结晶作用。

    The general tendency of fossilization can be summarized as the loss of organic matter dissolution of minor calcic phosphate , increase of CO 2 - 3 content , more and more CO 2 - 3 substituting for PO 3 - 4 at B site and recrystallization of apatite .

  17. 冰淇淋在热休克后,添加稳定剂角豆胶(LocustBeahGum,LBG)的样品比不加任何稳定剂的对照样品含较小的冰结晶,即LBG对重结晶有抑制作用。

    Addition of locust bean gum ( LBG ) to ice cream mixes gave products with smaller ice crystals after heatshock than control samples without either stabilizer . LBG inhibited recrystallization in ice cream .

  18. 溶蚀、脱玻化、次生矿物的生成和重结晶等成岩作用的总效应导致孔隙增加;

    Solution , devitrification as well as forming and recrystallization of secondary mineral can increase primary porosity as a whole ;

  19. 依据形成机制和过程可以划分为动态重结晶和静态重结晶作用。

    According to origin mechanism and process , recrystallization in mylonite can be divided into dynamic recrystallization and static recrystallization .