
zhòng zǐ
  • baryon
重子 [zhòng zǐ]
  • [baryon]服从费米-锹喇克统计并满足重子数守恒定律的基本粒子群中的任何粒子(如核子或超子)

  1. N、△重子谱中负能级分量的作用

    Effect of Negative Energy Component on Baryon Spectra

  2. 核力和重子相互作用Pb核性质和残余相互作用

    NUCLEAR FORCE AND BARYON INTERACTIONS Structure of Pb Isotopes and Residual Interaction

  3. N、Δ重子谱计算中高组态混合效应的影响

    The Effect of High Configuration Space Mixing on N ,Δ Spectra

  4. B重子半轻子衰变的对称性

    Symmetry for Semileptonic Decays of B-Baryons

  5. 基于Lie群诱导表示理论的大Nc极限下重子呈展对称性研究

    Large Nc Limit Baryon Emergent Symmetry Research Based on Lie Group Induced Representation Theory

  6. 手征SU(3)夸克模型下的N和Δ重子谱

    N and Δ Baryon Spectrum in the Chiral SU ( 3 ) Quark Model

  7. 结果表明,在此情况下因为R不再为零也同样可以获得重子数的不对称,从而不同于爱因斯坦宇宙框架下的相关结论。

    We show that R does not vanish in this case and the required baryon number asymmetry can also be achieved .

  8. 在第二部分中,计算结果表明重子化学势μB和奇异子化学势μS是净重子密度的单调变化函数。

    In the second part , the calculations show that baryon chemical potential HB and strangeness chemical potential / / sare monotonous function of net baryon density .

  9. 我们的理论可以同样处理重子态,只要唯象位阱V0只有介子的值的一半。

    Our theory can apply equally to the baryon states if the phenomenological potential V0 is reduced by a factor of2 .

  10. 强子物质中重子诱导X(cJ)离解截面的研究

    Study of X - ( cJ ) Dissociation Cross Sections Induced by Baryons in Hadronic Matter

  11. 不需引入任何其它假定,就自然解释了Υ→3g三胶子碎裂末态重子多重数增高的重要特征。

    The important character of increment of the baryon multiplicity in Υ→ 3g fragmentation is interpreted naturally without any other assumptions .

  12. Υ(1S)的强衰变及粲重子结构的研究

    A Study of the Charm-Baryonic Structure from Υ( 1S ) Decays

  13. 在寻找超对称时,可能存在的破坏轻子数和重子数的R宇称破缺耦合受到了充分关注。

    The possible appearance of the R-parity violating ( RPV ) couplings , which will violate the lepton and baryon number conservation , has gained full attention in searching for the SUSY .

  14. 目前观测到的重子光子数比10~(-9)可能是由极早期宇宙中的超重玻色子的衰变产生的,在这种衰变中C及CP是破坏的。

    The observed baryon-to-photon ratio of 10-9 could be produced by the decays of superheavy bosons in the very early universe if C and CP are violated in its actions .

  15. 根据守恒流是矢介子场的源的概念,讨论了重子数和轻子数所对应的矢介子场Z。

    Assuming that the conserved currents are sources of the vector meson fields , the vector fields Z 's coupled to baryon and lepton number are discussed .

  16. 其中一种方法在寻找起源于宇宙大爆炸的音波效应:重子声学振荡(bao)。

    One method looks for the effects of sound waves which originated in the Big Bang : baryon-acoustic oscillations ( Bao ) .

  17. 极端相对论性核碰撞中的奇异重子与QGP讯号

    Strange Baryon and the Signal of QGP Formation in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

  18. 本文用SU(6)对称理论讨论了四重子系统,为分析实验谱提供了一种方法。

    In this paper , using SU ( 6 ) symmetry theory four-baryon system is discussed and a method of analyzing experimental spectra is provided .

  19. 在MIT袋模型球腔近似下,导出了从核子→核子(重子)+介子顶点结构的几率振幅。

    The transition amplitude for the Nucleon-Nucleon ( Baryon ) + Meson is obtained in the spherical cavity approximation of MIT bag model .

  20. 相对论组态混合效应对重子共振态的纵向跃迁振幅S1/2(Q2)的影响进行了讨论。

    The relativistic configuration mixing effect on the longitudinal transition amplitudes S1 / 2 ( Q2 ) is investigated .

  21. 重子谱中的中程相互作用及其对N-N核力的影响

    The effective intermediate range interaction in baryon spectroscopy and its effect on N-N interaction

  22. 为了进一步考查衰变模型的合理性,至少还要研究其他的可能有影响的过程。在这个意义下,本文还讨论了宇宙早期中的Higgs相变对重子光子比的影响。

    For this reason the effect of Higgs phase transition on the baryon-to-photon ratio are discussed .

  23. 200AGev硫打原子核反应中奇异压低的约化和奇异反重子产生

    Reduction of Strangeness Suppression and Strange Antibaryon Production in Sulphur-Nucleus Collisions at 200A GeV

  24. 数阻止和重子数穿透的倩况为可能产生的QGP提供了完全不同的初始条件。

    Baryon number transport and stopping provide entirely different initial condition for the probably produced QGP .

  25. 量子色动力学(QCD)是人们公认的处理介子和重子的动力学等强相互作用的基本理论。

    Quantum Chromodynamics ( QCD ) is the fundamental theory in dealing with strong interaction dynamics of mesons and baryons .

  26. 计算了e+e-湮没与pp(p)反应过程的直生介子与重子多重数,与经验公式中的参数完全一致。

    In this paper the multiplicities of directly producted mesons and baryons in e + e - annihilation and pp ( p ) reaction are calculated and are in complete agreement with the parameter in the experienced formula .

  27. 由于QCD渐近自由性质,重重子质量谱的计算必须借助于非微扰技巧。

    Due to the asymptotic freedom of QCD , the determination of heavy baryon mass spectroscopy must resort to non-perturbative technique .

  28. 由于超子含有奇异量子数,它可深入原子核的内部,是研究核结构的极好探针,所以超核为研究完全的介子和重子味SU(3)八重态性质提供了唯一的实验室。

    As hyperon has the strange quantum number , it can go deep into the interior of nuclei , thus it is the right probe to study the nuclear structure .

  29. 重子结构的Skyrme模型研究

    The study of baryon structure in the Skyrme Model

  30. 在修改的Skyrme模型中核子和△-重子的电磁质量差

    Electromagnetic Mass Differences of Nucleons and △ - Baryons in The Modified Skyrme Model