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  • polonium
  • 一种放射性金属元素,在铀矿及锡石中有微量存在。

  1. 钋的放射性很强,能在黑暗中发光。

    Polonium is so radioactive that it glows in the dark .

  2. 居里夫人将它命名为钋,以纪念她的祖国。

    Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country .

  3. 海格特建于19世纪的墓地,安葬着卡尔·马克思(KarlMarx)和亚历山大·V·利特维年科(AlexanderV.Litvinenko)等名人。后者生前是特工,遭放射性物质钋毒杀。

    Its 19th-century cemetery is the final resting place of , among others , Karl Marx and Alexander V. Litvinenko , who was poisoned with radioactive polonium .

  4. 铀矿石中钋-210的TRPO萃取-内闪法快速测定

    The rapid determination of ~ ( 210 ) po in uranium ores by TRPO Extraction-A inner scintillation method

  5. 元素周期表的第六行有许多放射性元素,包括钷、钋8、砹和氡9a。

    The sixth row of the periodic table contains several radioactive elements , including promethium , polonium , 7 astatine , and radon .

  6. 本文介绍了用于测量铀、钍、镭、钋和一些人工核素的α&活度ZnS(Ag)内闪法,并将所得数据与其它实验室和其它方法的数据作了比较。

    This paper describes α - activity by inner scintillation method of ZnS ( Ag ) which can be used for determination of U , Th , Ra , Po and certain artificial nuclides . The obtained results are compared with data determined by other analytical methods and other laboratories .

  7. 居里夫妇也成功地分离出第二个放射性元素&钋。

    The Curies had also succeeded in isolating a second rayshooting element-polonium .

  8. 用钋-210自沉积计数测现代沉积物的沉积速率

    Determination of recent sediment sedimentation rate by Po-210 spontaneous deposit counting method

  9. 俄还表示,该国将关闭其最后一座生产钋的反应堆。

    Russia also said it would shut down its last plutonium-producing reactor .

  10. 两个遗留有钋的星球被一些不明原因突然破坏。

    Two old plutonium disposal plants damaged at once by some unestablished reason .

  11. 钋是一种具有天然辐射性的金属元素。

    Polonium is a naturally radioactive metallic element .

  12. 英国钋-210放射事件的医学响应

    Medical response to polonium-210 incident in England

  13. 由于来源缺乏,商业用的钋210是在核反应堆人工制造的。

    Due to its scarcity , polonium-210for commercial use is produced artificially in a nuclear reactor .

  14. 中国、日本等国40种香烟中铅-210钋-210的测定

    Determination of Pb-210 and Po-210 in 40 Brands of Cigarettes from China , Japan and Other Countries

  15. 把钋或者钍放在,开一个小口的含铅的盒子里面。

    So , you 've got polonium or thorium sitting inside this leaded box with one opening .

  16. 瑞士科学家表示亚西尔·阿拉法特体内含有放射性钋,极有可能是蓄意投毒所致。

    Swiss scientists say Yasser Arafat ingested radioactive polonium most probably as a result of a deliberate poisoning .

  17. 用回归正交设计多波长分光光度法同时测定稀土铝合金中的镧、铈、钋和钕

    Application of Regressive-Orthogonal Design Multiwavelength Spectrophotometry to Simultaneous Determination of La , Ce , Pr and Nd in RE-AI Alloy

  18. 你能告诉我发现了两种新放射性元素,镭和钋的科学家名字吗?

    Could you tell me the name of the scientist who discovered two new radioactive elements , radium and polonium ?

  19. 这一点在钫、锗、钪、钋、铕、锎、锫、镅等元素的拉丁名上颇为明显。

    It is evident in entries like francium , germanium , scandium , polonium , europium , californium , berkelium and americium .

  20. 不过,公共医疗卫生服务局强调对钋-210的检测由爱尔兰辐射防护所来进行,是预防性质的。

    However , the HSE stressed that the tests for Polonium-210 , which will be carried out by the RPII , are precautionary .

  21. 本文论述了钋&210法的基本原理、工作方法、资料处理方法、探测实例及应用前景。

    Basic principles , working method , data-Processing method , detection examples and application prospects of this technique are dealt with in this paper .

  22. 出厂3年的钋-210放射性中和器在t≥0.1秒仍可有效地使用。

    Po-210 radioactive ionizer ( 3 year old source ) for aerosol charge neutralization and bipolar can be used effective at t ≥ 0.1 sec .

  23. 夹杂着砹、钋和其他放射性产物的灰尘和碎片会随着降雨落回地面,使得下风处的整块区域完全不适合人类居住。

    Dust and debris coated in astatine , polonium , and other radioactive products would rain from the cloud , rendering the downwind neighborhood completely uninhabitable .

  24. 氦主要是放射性元素衰变释放出的a粒子与两个电子结合而成的,钋是放射性元素氡的衰变子体。

    Most helium result from the combination of one a particle released by decaying radioactive element with two electrons . polonium is the decay daughter of radioactive element radon .

  25. 凶猛的克林姆林宫批评家在英国获得庇护,普京被告在他临死前被给含钋的毒药。这个控诉已被克林姆林宫愤怒地否定。

    Litvinenko , a fierce Kremlin critic given asylum in Britain , accused Putin on his deathbed of being behind his polonium poisoning & charges the Kremlin has angrily denied .

  26. 在开始讨论这次演讲的话题之前,我还想回忆一下,镭和钋发现是皮埃尔·居里与我合作完成的。

    Before broaching the subject of this lecture , I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me .

  27. 本文介绍了钋法探测煤矿含水构造的特点、探测原理、工作方法以及实际运用效果。

    The characteristics of surveying method of water-bearing structure in coal mine by using polonium-210 . The principle and the operating methods , as well as its practical results are included in this paper .

  28. 这种可能性,加上钋这一稀有外国毒药,在某些方面更使人确信了这一猜想:如果不是普金本人,那就一定是俄国的安全机构参与了这次谋杀。

    That , plus the exotic rarity of the poison , has confirmed the suspicion in some quarters that Russia 's Federal Security Service , if not Mr Putin himself , had a hand in the murder .

  29. 我们发现沥青铀矿物中至少含有两种放射性物质:与铋伴生的命名为钋,与钡伴生的命名为镭。

    We found that pitchblende contains at least two radioactive materials , one of which , accompanying bismuth , has been given the name polonium , while the other , paired with barium , has been called radium .