
  • 网络CPPB
  1. 将各地的数量组合起来,有助于采购师谈判更低的价格。

    Combining volumes from various locations helps the Buyer negotiate lower costs .

  2. 下列是采购师有时会履行的几种职能。

    Below are listed several functions sometimes performed by buyers .

  3. 哦,天,那是Serena。嗨,Serena。嘿,Jenny,对吗?恩,嗨,这是我…stylist:时装设计师personal:私人的,个人的shopper:采购员造型师兼私人选购Eric你好。呒,这是我哥哥。可能…

    Oh , my gosh , it 's Serena . Hi , Serena ! - Serena : hey . Jenny , , right ? - Jenny : yeah , hi , - Serena : This is my ... - Eric : Stylist and personal shopper Eric . Hi . - Jenny : Um , this is my brother . Or ...