
chún jiě
  • alcoholysis
醇解[chún jiě]
  1. 应用微波法对废PET进行醇解的研究

    Study on alcoholysis of waste Poly ( ehtylene terephthalate ) by microwave method

  2. 醇解法测定PEN中二甘醇含量

    Determination of DEG in PEN by alcoholysis method

  3. 部分醇解PVA在高比例含涤品种上浆中的应用

    Application of Partial Alcoholysis PVA in High Proportion Polyester Variety

  4. 随使用PVA醇解度的降低,制备出的微胶囊形貌变好。

    And the morphology of capsules became better with lower alcoholysis degree of PVA .

  5. PBT的水解和醇解反应都在均相反应中进行。

    Hydrolysis and alcoholysis of PBT both occurred in homogeneous phase .

  6. 在分子量相同时,醇解度低的聚乙烯醇薄膜经热处理之后H2渗透系数降低的幅度要大。

    For the same molecular weight , those films , which have lower alcoholysis degree , shows a considerable decreasing in the hydrogen permeability coefficient .

  7. 变性淀粉、部分醇解PVA等浆料的内增塑作用能显著改善浆液和浆膜性能;

    Inner plasticization of modified starch and partial alcoholysis PVA can improve size and size film performance .

  8. 探讨了聚酯(PET)废料的解聚机理,确定其合理解聚方法为醇解。

    The degrading mechanism of polyester ( PET ) was studied , and practicable process of PET degradation is found to be alcoholysis .

  9. 用差示扫描量热(DSC)、气相色谱及气相色谱质谱联用仪对醇解液进行检测分析,得到聚酯的化学组成。

    The chemical composition of polyester and copolyester has analysed by DSC , gas chromatograph , gas chromatograph mass spectroscopy .

  10. 通过催化大豆油与甲醇进行酯交换反应合成脂肪酸甲酯(FAME),研究了相转移催化剂对油脂醇解的催化性能。

    Fatty acid methyl ester was prepared by interesterification of soybean oil and methanol with a phase transfer ( catalyst ) .

  11. 对于树脂的熔融时间,HPMC、不同醇解度的PVA、聚合釜均有较大影响。

    As for melt time of resin , HPMC , PVA , polymerization vessel may affect it .

  12. 介绍了一种通过顶空气相色谱技术测定超低醇解度聚乙烯醇(PVA)醇解度的方法。

    To introduce a method for the determination of the alcoholysis degree of PVA at extra-low alcoholysis by headspace gas chromatography .

  13. 废PET聚酯醇解法制备增塑剂DOTP的催化剂研究进展

    Progress of Research on Catalysts for Synthesis of Plasticizer DOTP from Waste PET by Alcoholysis Method

  14. 随着PVA醇解度增加或淀粉接枝率、接枝产物添加量的增加,浆液的稳定性提高。

    With the increasing of PVA alcoholization degree , grafting degree and addition amount of graft product , the stability of size was enhanced .

  15. 醇&磷酸酯法降解废旧聚氨酯的研究醇解废弃聚酯制备Gemini型表面活性剂

    Study of Degradation of Scrap Polyurethane Foam by Alcohol and Phosphate Synthesizing Gemini Surfactant with Ethylene Glycol Recycling Waste Polyester

  16. 吸附型人工肝辅助材料的制备及其性能研究&(Ⅲ)SVD醇解物的功能基化反应及吸附性能

    Study on synthesis adsorption type of artificial liver assist material and their properties ⅲ . svd functionalization and their properties

  17. 采用吸光度分析方法考察了分子量及醇解度对PVA生物降解性的影响。

    The effect of molecular weight and degree of hydrolysis on the biodegradation of PVA was investigated in the above culture by the spectrophotometric analysis .

  18. 醇解液的GC-MS分析表明,在不同的醇解产物中都检测到了酚类,并且在醇解的过程中木质素的支链上的碳链发生了断裂并异构化。

    Phenols were tested in different alcoholysis product using GC-MS , the results showed that lignin carbon chain was ruptured during the process of alcoholysis .

  19. 改性PVA塑化温度的研究表明,醇解度为88%的PVA,随相对分子质量的增加塑化温度升高。

    Melting temperature of the modified PVA indicated that the melting temperature of PVA with the alcoholysis of 88 % increased with the increasing of the molecular weight .

  20. 用SEM,IR,DSC等研究了聚醋酸乙烯(PVAc)醇解纺丝得到的聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维的形态结构、分子结构及热性能。

    The morphological , molecular structure and thermal properties of the PVA fibers obtained from PVAc alcoholysis spinning process were studied by means of SEM , IR and DSC .

  21. 醇解反应主要以氨酯键断裂方式进行,从降解产物上层分离物中可回收聚四氢呋喃(PTMG)。

    The recycled Polytetrahydrofuran ( PTMG ) can be obtained from the glycolysis product .

  22. 结果表明随着PVA醇解度的增加,PVC树脂的颗粒规整性和表现密度增加,孔隙率和吸油率降低;

    It found that the regularity of particle shape and apparent density of PVC resin increased as the hydrolysis degree of PVA increased , while the porosity and cold plasticizer absorption decreased .

  23. 研究了醇解液中水含量、KOH含量和反应温度、反应时间等参数对醇解度的影响。

    The influence factors of alcoholysis , such as the concentration of water and KOH , reaction temperature and time on the alcoholysis degree are investigated .

  24. 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物(EVOH)是目前世界三大阻隔树脂之一,工业生产可分为聚合、醇解两步。

    Ethylene vinyl alcohol ( EVOH ) copolymer is one of three largest barrier resins in the world .

  25. 以接枝共聚物作为增容剂,考察了PVA醇解度、接枝淀粉加入量以及接枝率对淀粉与PVA溶液共混体系的影响。

    Using the product as a compatibilizer , the influence of PVA alcoholization degree , addition amount of graft starch and I grafting degree on solution system of starch and PVA was analyzed .

  26. 用DSC、红外、核磁共振、微库仑分析法等测试手段对产品的结构进行了表征;还用粘度、醇解度等常规分析方法测定了产品的性能。

    By using DSC , IR spectrum , NMR , microcolumn analysis and other methods , the structure of the product is characterized and its properties such as viscosity and saponification degree are determined .

  27. 活性嫩黄K-6G的水解及醇解动力学研究

    Study on hydrolysis and alcoholysis kinetics of Reactive Brill Yellow K-6G

  28. CO2呼吸测定实验证明,根据聚乙烯醇的醇解度的不同,混合菌群的降解存在滞后,而分子量对降解没有明显影响。

    Respirometric tests of CO_2 carried out in the presence of the selected microbial population evidenced a limited but significant delay in the mineralization profile depending upon the degree of PVA hydrolysis , whereas no remarkable effect by molecular weight was detected .

  29. 以聚酯生产中产生的下脚料&乙二醇残渣(主要含PET低聚物)为原料,采用辛醇合并醇解、酯交换一步法工艺,合成了增塑剂DOTP。

    Plasticizer DOTP was prepared from ethylene glycol residue ( major component is PET low polymer ) using single step process in which alcoholysis and ester interchange were combined .

  30. 研究利用醋酸乙烯酯与其它烯类单体共聚,并在此基础上通过TEM、DSC等多种表征手段分析了不同醇解度的聚乙烯醇对聚醋酸乙烯乳液性能产生的影响。

    In this article by copolymerization of VAc and other vinyl monomers , the effects of PVA on the properties of the PVAc emulsion were discussed through many tests such as TEM , DSC and so on .