
  • 网络pickled peanut
  1. 5.PeanutButter花生酱花生酱的脂肪含量有些许高,然而这是一种对你有益的单不饱和性脂肪。

    Peanut butter is a little higher in fat , but it 's the type that 's good for you -- monounsaturated fat .

  2. 虫子、人造饵、花生酱花生酱加起司

    Worms , lures , peanut butter , peanut butter and cheese .

  3. 最后,马特斯博士及其同事在2013年发表在《英国营养学杂志》(TheBritishJournalofNutrition)上的一项研究中报告,早餐食用花生酱或花生有助于控制饥饿感,稳定血糖,并可降低食欲达8-12小时。

    Finally , in a 2013 study in The British Journal of Nutrition , Dr. Mattes and colleagues reported that consuming peanut butter or peanuts for breakfast helps to control hunger , stabilizing blood sugar and reducing the desire to eat for up to 8 to 12 hours .

  4. 花生酱是花生深加工升值的一种新产品。

    Peanut butter is a new product in terms of the comprehensive utilization of peanut .

  5. 系统综述了目前国内花生蛋白,花生油,花生酱,花生皮壳的开发利用的现状,并介绍了花生系列产品的生产。

    The utilization of peanut protein , peanut oil , peanut butters , and peanut hull in China are summarized , and the production of peanut is introduced .

  6. 事实上,与中美文化的差异比起来,美国和法国文化的区别就类似于PeterPan花生酱和Skippy花生酱。

    American culture and and French culture seem about as different as Peter Pan and Skippy peanut butter .

  7. 四季宝(Skippy)花生酱结合了花生的美味和三明治的巧妙配方。

    Skippy peanut butter combines delicious peanut taste and intelligent sandwich preparation .

  8. 这家拥有英国和荷兰双重国家背景的消费品公司在去年出售了旗下的Wish-Bone沙拉酱和Skippy花生酱品牌,而且据报道一直在寻求出售旗下的SlimFast业务。

    The British-Dutch consumer products company sold its Wish-Bone salad dressing and Skippy peanut butter brands last year and has reportedly been looking to divest its Slim Fast business , as well .

  9. 美国人喜欢吃花生酱,但花生酱是什么呢?

    Americans love to eat peanut butter , but what is it ?

  10. 儿科医生警告父母们不要给婴儿喂整颗花生,因为有窒息风险,而要喂花生酱或其他花生制品。

    Pediatricians caution that parents should not feed whole peanuts to infants because of the choking risk , but rather peanut butter or other foods .

  11. 这些科学家能极其精确地告诉你,你花生酱中的花生来自哪里、果酱中的芒果是在哪里种植的。

    With remarkable precision , these scientists can tell you where the peanuts in your peanut butter came from and where the mangoes in your jam were grown .

  12. 美国人对花生价格上涨的感受最深&这已迫使零售商大幅提高了花生酱的价格。花生酱是厨房橱柜和食品银行的一种主要食品。

    The price spike has been felt most acutely in the US , where it has forced retailers to push through large increases in the price of peanut butter – a staple of kitchen cupboards and food banks .

  13. 不同的调料会产生不同的口味如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜、芥末酱甚至是花生酱。

    Different toppings can help vary the flavor try mayonnaise , honey mustard , even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West .

  14. 不同的调料会产生不同的口味——如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜、芥末酱甚至是花生酱。

    Different toppings can help vary the flavor - try mayonnaise , honey mustard , even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West .