
  • 网络guo songdao
  1. 郭嵩焘对国际法的认识及运用

    The Cognition and Exertion of Guo Songtao on the International Law

  2. 简论郭嵩焘对西方社会政治制度的观察与思考

    Guo Songtao 's Observation and Reflection on the Western Social Political Systems

  3. 试论郭嵩焘的对外开放思想

    Comment on Guo Song-tao 's Thought of Opening to the Outside World

  4. 郭嵩焘是近代中国第一个走出国门的驻外使臣。

    Guo songtao was the first diplomatic envoy abroad in modern China .

  5. 郭嵩焘是近代中国著名的洋务思想家和外交官。

    Guo Songtao was a famous theoretician of foreign things in china .

  6. 论中国铁路事业先驱者郭嵩焘

    Comments upon Guo Songtao the Pioneer of Chinese Railway Undertaking

  7. 湖北西南部构造地质(英文)郭嵩焘与湖南厘金总局

    THE STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF SOUTHWESTERN HUPEH Guo Songtao and Hunan General Likin Bureau

  8. 试论咸同时期郭嵩焘的政治思想

    On Guo songtao 's political thought in xian-tong period

  9. 郭嵩焘的洋务思想及其评价

    Guo Songtao 's Thought on Foreign Affairs its Evaluation

  10. 论郭嵩焘的人心风俗思想

    Research on the thought " the public feeling and custom " of Guo Songtao

  11. 郭嵩焘史学思想研究

    Research on the Historiography Thoughts of Guo SongTao

  12. 而郭嵩焘则是一名羽扇纶巾的儒士,但二人却相知良深,私谊笃厚。

    But they were well acquainted with each other and enjoyed a profound personal friendship .

  13. 论郭嵩焘的经济思想

    On the Economic Ideas of Guo Songtao

  14. 郭嵩焘外交思想论

    On Diplomacy Thought of GUO Songtao

  15. 论文化交流中的视角转移与观念更新&以郭嵩焘为例

    On Shift of Visual Angle Renewal of Ideas in Cultural Exchange Taking Guo Song-tao as An Example

  16. 郭嵩焘出使经历与经济思想略探

    A Brief Analysis about Guo Songtao 's Experience of Serving as an Envoy Abroad and His Economic Ideas

  17. 郭嵩焘的出使对中国外交的近代化和中西文化交流都有着重要的意义。

    Diplomatic mission of Guo Songtao had important significance for modernizing diplomatism of China and international culture communion .

  18. 论郭嵩焘人心风俗思想的时代特征及其历史地位

    On the Time Features and Historical Position of Guo Songtao 's Thought of " Morality and Custom "

  19. 郭嵩焘作为最早走出国门的思想家,是向西方学习最热情的鼓吹者。

    Guo Songtao , the first thinker going abroad , was the most enthusiastic advocate of learning from the west .

  20. 郭嵩焘在湖南厘金总局创兴过程中起了非常重要的作用。

    In the course of setting up the Hunan General Likin Bureau , Guo Songtao did play an important role .

  21. 浅论郭嵩焘归隐与湖湘文化忠义之气华侨抗战:中华民族精神的深刻诠释

    Overseas Chinese in ( China 's ) Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression : A Profound Interpretation of Chinese Patriotic Ethos

  22. 郭嵩焘的日记、诗文、奏稿、专著、自传中蕴藏着丰富的教育思想。

    A variety of educational thoughts can be found in Guo Songtao 's diary , poems , essays , letters , works and autobibliography .

  23. 《条议海防事宜》是郭嵩焘在洋务运动时期上呈的一篇奏稿,从中可窥见郭嵩焘别具特色的富强观。

    Tiaoyi Haifang Shiyi is Guo Songtao s memorial to the emperor during the Westernization Movement , which shows his unique view of prosperity and power .

  24. 《史记札记》是清人郭嵩焘在英国任公使期间研究《史记》的一部读书笔记。

    After read " Shi Ji ", Guo Songtao written a study notes called " Shi Ji Reading Notes " when he was a Minister the UK .

  25. 郭嵩焘的政治思想基本上以其于光绪二年(1876年)出使英法为界分为前后两个阶段。

    His political thought was divided basically into two stages by 1876 , in this year he became the first envoy of Qing Dynasty to England and France .

  26. 郭嵩焘的思想具有超越意识,这集中体现在他的本末理论和对“中体西用”的否定变革上。

    The thought of GUO Song-tao is transcendent which is concentrated on his theory of " non-essentials and fundamentals " and " basing on China to use west " .

  27. 郭嵩焘是中国最早派驻西方的外交使节和具有官方色彩的文化使者,是中西文化交流中的先行者。

    Guo Song tao , as an earliest Chinese ambassador in the West , and an official messenger of culture , was a pioneer in Chinese and Western cultural exchange .

  28. 郭嵩焘、蒋益澧倡议清政府不断加强管理招工的法律及条约制度建设,保证了华工出国的稳定秩序。

    Guo Songtao , Jiang Yili proposed the Ching government strengthen the law and the treaty system construction about recruiting workers , had guaranteed the stable order to labor forces exporting .

  29. 在中国近代思想史上,郭嵩焘是一位极为孤独的热眼向洋、寻求民族振兴之路的先行者。

    In the ideology history of modern china , Guo Song Tao was a lonely forerunner , who had been probing for methods of rejuvenating the nation by learning from foreign countries .

  30. 历任出使英国大臣郭嵩焘的参赞、出使日本大臣,为中国近代的外交事业作出了重要贡献。

    He had ever been appointed counselor of British minister Guo Song-tao , and also been a minister sent to Japan on a diplomatic mission , contributed a lot to Chinese modern diplomatic cause .