
  • 网络Zhengzhou Railway Station;Zhengzhou Station
  1. 处于这一交会点的郑州火车站,其百年历史不仅映衬出中国铁路的风云变幻,而且折射出郑州这座城市崛起的沧桑巨变。

    At the intersection point of the Zhengzhou Railway Station , its100-year-old backed up not only changes China 's railway , but also reflect the rise of Zhengzhou .

  2. 该地段地处即将建设的郑州火车站西出站口北侧,交通便利,位置优越,升值潜力巨大。

    This land is located north of west exit of Zhengzhou Railway Station to be constructed , has transport facility , advantageous location , enormous value increasing potential .

  3. 据河南省政府网站本周刊登的媒体报道称,6月29日,最后一趟跨省的绿皮车从河南省的郑州火车站驶出,在24小时6分钟后抵达浙江省温州。

    The final green train to traverse provinces left Zhengzhou , a transportation hub in central Henan province , at noon last week and arrived 24 hours and six minutes later at Wenzhou in southern Zhejiang province , according to a media report carried on the Henan provincial government website this week .

  4. 解读郑州老火车站,百年风华会让人们深深感到历史的厚重。

    Interpretation of the old railway station of Zhengzhou , 100 years make people have miserable feeling .