
  1. 上季度,郑州人民医院新生儿科全新亮相,并凭借无感染、无死亡案例的骄人业绩后来居上,迅速跻身省内先进行列。

    Last quarter , Zhengzhou , People 's Hospital neonatal brand new appearance , and with no infection , no deaths surpass the outstanding performance , advanced rapidly among the ranks of the province .

  2. 作为对研究成果的运用,论文以郑州市第一人民医院为例,就郑州市市级公立医院发展战略模式的构建、实施进行了实证分析。

    As the good example of Zhengzhou City No.1 People Hospital is use as research results , that to develop strategic model to building Zhengzhou city public hospital and analysis the implementation of an empirical at last .

  3. 郑州市第五人民医院PACS医学影像系统设计

    The design of the PACS medical imaging system of the No. 5 People Hospital of Zhengzhou

  4. 郑州市第五人民医院病房楼建筑设计

    Design for the Fifth General Hospital of Zhengzhou