
  1. 风箱果(Physocarpusamurensis),蔷薇科风箱果属落叶灌木,该属全世界约20种,主产北美,在我国分布仅一种,而且是古老的残遗种。

    Physocarpus amurensis belongs to Physocarpus of Rosaceae , which is a defoliate shrub . The genus Physocarpus includes approximately 20 species in the world , and the geographic distribution of this species is centred in North America in the world , only one species in China .

  2. 这样的特有种称为活化残遗种。

    Such endemics have been termed epibiotics .

  3. 推断它为一残遗种,并分析了它的地质历史、气候、土壤、生物等生态因子。

    Its ecological factors , such as geological history , climate , soil , biological factors , etc , are analyzed .

  4. 绝大多数广西特有杜鹃花种类分布的生境条件十分恶劣,这间接说明了广西特有杜鹃花多是一些古老的残遗种;

    The ecotype conditions of Rhododendron distribution are inferior . It show that most endemic species of Rhododendron in Guangxi are antiquated survival ;

  5. 从其分布区类型和形态特征上推断本种为残遗种,起源地可能就在劳亚古陆的南部,当今它的分布区这一范围内。

    Based on the distributional and morphological characters , the auther supposes that the origin of this species is located in the south area of Laurasia and become a survivor up to now .

  6. 一种残存[残遗]种的鱼

    A relict species of fish