
  • 网络perspective projection;DVIEW
  1. 并运用OpenGL的相关函数对生成的地形模型进行透视投影变换、纹理映射等渲染处理,实现纹理映射、三维图形输出、漫游、旋转、缩放等功能。

    Use the related functions of OpenGL to conduct screen perspective projection and texture mapping , realize the functions of texture mapping , output of three-dimensional graph , roam , rotation and scaling .

  2. 结合离屏渲染技术,通过绘制体数据包围盒来快速获取投射光线参数,并利用GPU的可编程性来实现透视投影时的等步长采样。

    Off-screen rendering technique is used to gain the ray casting parameter quickly by rendering volume data bounding box in this method . And GPU is utilized to realize equal-step sampling of perspective projection .

  3. 多面体透视投影aspectgraph视空间的划分

    Partitioning Viewpoint Space for the Aspect Graph of Polyhedral Objects Under Perspective Prejection

  4. 本文还给出了当透视投影图象的主灭点为未知时,根据长方体的透视投影,计算其主灭点的坐标及透视变换参数r的计算公式。

    A set of equations which are used to evaluate the coordinates of main vanishing point and the parameter r of transformation according to a projection of regular hexahedron when main vanishing point is unknown are also provided .

  5. 在分析了普通数码照相机中的CCD的透视投影矩阵的内外参数,及它们的相互关系的基础上,研究了单个CCD用作三维测量的快速定标方法。

    After analyzing the intrinsic and external parameters of projection matrix of average digital camera , and the relations of them , a fast calibration method in 3D by single camera has been studied .

  6. 在透视投影模型下,推导出在3D空间中运动的刚体的旋转运动参数与其投影图像上二维直线的光流场之间的关系,并用直线光流方程组表达了这种关系。

    Under the central projection , deduce the relationship between the rotational components of rigid motion in three dimensions and optical flow of 2D lines in projection plane , and express the relationship with straight-line optical flow equations set .

  7. 平行拼图不仅可以应用到基于图像的绘制技术(IBR)中(即用平行线投影代替透视投影),而且可以广泛地运用于基于图像的三维重建。

    It can be easily used in wide application field , from image based rendering ( IBR ) to image based 3D Modeling .

  8. 该模型利用透视投影的几何关系,基于关联基准建立相应的数学模型,进而通过单目CCD摄像机像面坐标,重建物体落点的二维坐标。

    This model can be used to build the corresponding mathematical model between reference points and measured points based on the interconnection base and the perspective projection geometrical relationship . And space two-dimensional coordinates can be rebuilt by using the image coordinates of the monocular CCD camera .

  9. 传统的Hough变换是在图像空间中检测直线或某种特定的曲线,然后在把直线通过透视投影关系矩阵映射到导航坐标系中间接地得出所需的导航参数。

    Generally , traditional Hough transformation is used to detect the line or some special curves in the image space , and navigation parameters can only be obtained indirectly by finding the corresponding position in the navigation coordinate through the anti-perspective matrix .

  10. 最后通过反透视投影算法和灰度插值算法,将失真的QR码符号有效地校正过来。再次,针对印制在曲面物体上的QR码图像,提出了一种基于有限元形函数的校正算法。

    At last , the inverse perspective transformation and gray level interpolation are performed to correct the distorted QR code image . Thirdly , a correction algorithm for the QR images printed on the curved objects is proposed based on the finite element shape function .

  11. 提出了特征直径的概念,采用特征直径及其在像面上的透视投影的位置和长度作为基本的特征参数;

    A new concept , characteristic diameter , is put forward ;

  12. 一种鱼眼图象到透视投影图象的变换模型

    A Simple Transforming Model from Fisheye Image to Perspective Projection Image

  13. 基于透视投影不变性的空间平面多边形识别

    Recognition of Planar Polygons in Space Based on Perspective Projection Invariances

  14. 实现径向劈式光学薄膜的透视投影平面挡板设计法

    Perspective Projection Design of Plane Baffles For Fabricating Optical Wedge Filters

  15. 透视投影变换总矩阵的研究

    A study on the total matrix of converter of perspective projections

  16. 图形变换中透视投影变换矩阵的推导

    Deduction of Transformation Matrix of Perspective Projection in Graphic Transformation

  17. 最简单的投影形式是透视投影。

    The simplest form of projection is a perspective projection .

  18. 曲面相贯线透视投影的计算机辅助绘制

    Drawing of Perspective of Intersection Lines Under a Computer Aid

  19. 该方程适用于透视投影的一切情况。

    The equation can be used in all cases of perspective projection .

  20. 透视投影变换矩阵及其方程

    A transformation matrix and its equations of the perspective projection

  21. 三维到二维的射影变换与透视投影

    The projective transformation from 3D into 2D and perspective projection

  22. 一种基于球面透视投影约束的鱼眼镜头校正方法

    Fisheye Lense Distortion Correction Using Spherical Perspective Projection Constraint

  23. 基于软件复用技术的《建筑透视投影》多媒体课件设计与实现

    The design and realization of the multimedia courseware based on software reuse technology

  24. 其次针对摄像机透视投影的针孔模型,分析三维重建误差的主要来源。

    Second , various error sources are analyzed based on pinhole camera model .

  25. 该算法既可用于不同场景的绘制,又可用于平行和透视投影中。

    It can be adopted in parallel and perspective projection for many applications .

  26. 如果启用,投影器将用正交替代透视投影。

    If enabled , the Projector will be Ortho Graphic instead of perspective .

  27. 利用透视投影基本方程选定透视形象的参数分析

    Parameters Analysis for Determining Perspective View by Using Basic Equation of Perspective Projection

  28. 一种基于透视投影的纹理校正方法

    A method of texture rectification based on perspective projection

  29. 透视投影下的镜面反射表面形状恢复新算法

    Shape from Shading for Specular Surfaces under Perspective Projection

  30. 基于平行-透视投影的无人机遥感系统视频图像的立体镶嵌

    Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics of Video Images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing System