
  • Invisible Man;Hollow Man;suke
  1. 这位假影评人的影评被用在《透明人》与《颠峰极限》这两部片的广告中。

    Comments from the fake critic were used in advertisements for hollow man and vertical limit .

  2. 这座悬挂在两个山顶之间的透明人行桥将会花费400多万英镑,由曾经在一次设计竞赛中胜出的马丁·杜普兰蒂尔建筑师事务所(MDA)和大千景观建筑师事务所设计。

    The transparent footbridge , suspended high between two mountain-tops , will cost over 4 million pounds to build and has been created by Martin Duplantier Architectes ( MDA ) and Daqian Landscape Architects , who won a design competition .

  3. 个人信息的大量流失,几乎让每个人都成为了透明人。

    The huge drain of personal information renders almost everyone transparent .

  4. 好吧,做透明人也有它的好处。

    Okay , maybe being invisible does have its advantages .

  5. 做个快乐透明人

    To be a Happy Transparent Person

  6. 他们害怕风险、失败和被拒绝,因此会不惜一切代价把自己变成透明人。

    Fearful of risk , failure and rejection , they will shun attention at any cost .

  7. 镜人是一个纯粹的人,透明的人,一个平面的但被肉体支撑的人。

    The MIRRORMAN is a pure , transparent man , a flat body propped up by a human body .

  8. 沿岸有度假者在游泳,其中一人带着一块香皂,湖水清澈透明,人仿佛是游在虚空之中。

    Some of the other campers werein swimming , along the shore , one of them with a cake of soap , and the waterfelt thin and clear and insubstantial .

  9. 我们可以为之努力的是朝着建立透明和负责人的机构的方向不断取得进步。

    What we can work for is steady progress toward building transparent and accountable institutions .

  10. 它坦率而透明,给人以尊严,有助于培养未来的领导者和打造成功的企业。

    With its candor and transparency , differentiation provides dignity , develops future leaders , and creates winning companies .

  11. 长笛演奏出来的音色轻柔透明,有人说听起长笛的声音便联想起一望无际的蓝天。

    Flute tamber is gentle and transparent , someone said the illimitable sky would be imagined when listening flute .

  12. 阿里斯产权保险公司说,这项技术不归它所有,但是如果这个年交易额高达550亿美元的市场能够变得更透明,让人更有信心,那么作为这个市场的保险提供者,阿里斯公司也将从中获益。

    ARIS said it had no ownership of the technology , but would benefit from the greater transparency and confidence in a $ 55-billion-a-year market in which it sells insurance .

  13. 他说三年来他一直在进行光的折射作用的试验以便证实下述理论:人体细胞如果能成为透明的,人的身体就会成为隐形的。

    He explained that for three years he had experimented with refractions of light on the theory that a human body would become invisible if the cells could be made transparent .

  14. 透明质酸促进人肺腺癌A549细胞体外增殖、黏附和侵袭

    Stimulative effects of hyaluronan in proliferation , adhesion and invasion ability of human lung carcinoma cell A549 in vitro

  15. 透明质酸对人胚胎肺成纤维细胞胶原凝胶的作用及其途径

    Effects and Pathways of Effects of Hyaluronan on Collagen Gel from Human Fetal Lung Fibroblasts

  16. 胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ与透明质酸对人胚关节软骨细胞表型的影响

    The Influence of Insulin-like Growth Factor ⅰ and Hyaluronic Acid on the Phenotype of Human Embryonal Articular Chondrocytes

  17. 然而,也有几位员工认为,这种做法可能并不适合于所有公司,因为薪酬透明也可能让人产生消极情绪。

    However several staff believed that the same approach may not work everywhere as pay transparency could be demotivating .

  18. 透明质酸复合人骨形态发生蛋白-2转染兔骨髓基质干细胞的体内外成骨研究

    In vitro and in vivo osteogenetic effects of hyaluronic acid mixed with BMP-2 gene transfected bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells

  19. 独立的巴基斯坦立法发展和透明协会的负责人米赫布博说,他认为这种指责是有根据的。

    Ahmed Bilal Mehboob , the director of the independent Pakistan Institute of legislative development and transparency , says he agrees with the allegations .

  20. 接着他看到在烧怀底有一块完美的四分之一克拉的纯碳钻石,如此透明,几乎让人看不到它。

    Then he saw , at the bottom of the beaker , so clear it was almost invisible , a perfect quarter-carat crystal of pure carbon .

  21. 而会计信息披露有助于公司治理和经营管理的高度透明,消除内部人和外部人的信息不对称问题,促进公司治理的改善。

    Disclosure of accounting information is helpful to the transparency of corporate governance and management information . Disclosure of accounting information can eliminate the information asymmetry of internal people and external people , and promote the improvement of corporate governance structure .