
  1. 苹果公司(Apple)在涵盖2015年上半年的最新透明度报告中表示,期内该公司收到美国执法部门3824宗调取设备信息的请求。

    Apple 's latest transparency report , covering the first six months of 2015 , records that the company received 3824 requests for device information from US law enforcement authorities .

  2. 据美国有线新闻网报道,谷歌公司日前发布透明度报告称,包括美国在内的西方国家正大力审查网络搜索结果和YouTube视频。

    According to a transparency report released by Google , western governments , including that of the United States , appear to be stepping up efforts to censor Internet search results and YouTube videos , CNN reported .

  3. 按照谷歌在透明度报告中的说法,网络安全的提高得益于使用加密连接的网站越来越多。

    That 's because more websites are finally using encrypted connections , according to Google 's transparency report .

  4. 两年前,瑞银(ubs)曾发布一份“透明度”报告,有关在金融危机前它面对的一些问题。

    UBS published a " transparency " report two years ago about what went wrong before the financial crisis .

  5. 从高质量到高透明度&财务报告评价的演进及启示

    From High Quality to High Transparency & Evolution and Referrence of Financial Report Evaluation

  6. 我们将继续与国家公路交通安全管理局充分合作,提高透明度,改进报告工作。

    We continue to fully cooperate with NHTSA to achieve greater transparency and to further enhance our reporting practices .

  7. 提高会计信息质量的基本思路和对策是:加强会计法制建设,提高会计人员素质,增加会计信息的透明度,变革会计报告体系。

    The suggestions for enhancing accounting information quality are that legal construction of accounting be strengthened , the quality of accountants be improved , the degree of openness of accounting information be increased and accounting report system be reformed .

  8. 首先是对财务报告及财务报告透明度等相关概念进行界定,并将财务报告透明度与财务报告质量进行了比较,分析两者的联系和区别,最后提出研究假设。第四部分,实证研究。

    It defines relative concepts like financial reports and transparency , compares transparency and quality of financial reports and analyzes the connection and difference between them and finally puts forward research assumption . Fourthly , empirical research .