
  1. 中国西南地区的绝大部分民族都保留有送魂习俗。

    The most of ethnic groups in Southwest China maintain a custom named Soul-Sending .

  2. 第二章对送魂习俗的概念作了界定,大致勾画了它在西南地区的空间分布情况,并对一些民族的送魂路线进行了梳理;

    The second puts forward the concept of Soul-sending in advance , roughly delineates its regional distribution afterwards , and clear up several soul-sending roads in some ethnic group ;

  3. 为了全面系统的保护纳木依《送魂图》,为更多的学者提供第一手资料,本文附了全部的采风图片。

    In order to protect " Soul-send Figure " by the numbers and fully , provide the first-hand material for the more scholars , this paper attach with all parts of the pictures .