
  • 网络Operation Control Center;SOCC;AOCC;TAMCC;AOC Airplane Operating Control
  1. 解调后的数据也送到运行控制中心(SOCC)。

    These decoded data are also transmitted to the SOCC .

  2. 本文分析了航空公司运行控制中心的职责和工作流程,对设计实现的飞行签派运行系统做了功能和内容上的界定,对飞行签派运行系统的各功能模块进行了分析。

    This essay convincingly analyzes the responsibilities and operation processes of the airlines operation control center , defines FOC functions and contents fulfilled by means of design , and analyzes each functional module in FOC system .

  3. 卡塔尔航空首席执行官阿克巴尔o阿尔o贝克对彭博社表示,这项技术目前正在进行全面安装前的最后测试,它可将飞机飞行数据记录仪中的数据传输给航空公司的运行控制中心。

    The technology is being tested now ahead of a fleet-wide rollout . It transmits data from a plane 's flight-data recorder to the airline operations center , Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker told Bloomberg .

  4. 为了解决这个问题,航空公司的系统运行和控制中心会在必要时做出调整。

    To offset that , the airline 's systems operation and control center makes adjustments when needed .

  5. 电网调度中心作为电力系统生产运行的指挥控制中心,其调度自动化系统的性能高低对电网的安全、稳定、经济运行起着关键作用。

    The performance of dispatching automation system plays a key role in the security and economic operation .

  6. 它是身体运行的命令和控制中心。

    It is the command and control center running your life .

  7. 飞行签派中心也是航空公司日常运行的管理和控制中心,是运行信息的集散枢纽。

    The flight dispatch office is also the center of management and decision for airlines operations as well as collecting and distributing center of operational information .

  8. 整个系统的运行都是通过控制中心控制,控制中心控制光源的开关,负责探测器的数据采集,并向电机驱动器发送控制指令,驱动光源和探测器围绕样本运动。

    The operation of the whole system is controlled by the control center , a workstation . Control Centre controls the X-ray source , the data acquisition of detector . It also sends instructions to the motor driver , driving the X-ray source and detector rotating around the sample .