
  • 网络the Villages;athletes' village;athletes village
  1. 比赛班车会在运动员村入口处停站。

    The shuttle bus will stop at the entrance of the athletes village .

  2. 莆田市某运动员村太阳能热水系统设计的节能分析

    Analysis of Energy Saving of Solar Energy Hot Water System of certain Athletes Village in Putian

  3. 第十一届亚运会运动员村嬉水乐园工程,采用了60m跨度的胶合木结构屋盖。

    A glued laminated wood dome with 60m in diameter is used for the roof of water park in the 11th Asian Game 's Village .

  4. 一名工人在清洗为英联邦运动会运动员村意味着一个房间,在新德里,印度2010年9月16日窗口-在后台Akshardham寺庙。

    A worker cleans the window of a room meant for athletes at the Commonwealth Games village , in New Delhi , India on Sept.16,2010-the Akshardham temple in the background .

  5. 大型国际综合性运动会运动员村食品卫生管理模式的研究

    Study on food safety control in the international general games

  6. 广州2010年亚运会运动员村设计理念探讨

    Athlete village design of Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games

  7. 在此研究基础上,对即将建设的北京2008年奥运会运动员村的赛后利用提出了自己的看法。

    It classifies the model of different uses and proposes opinions about the 2008 Olympic Village .

  8. 即使那些韩国食品被允许带入运动员村,也很可能会处于一种供不应求的状态。

    While Korean food is provided in the athletes village , it is typically in short supply .

  9. 他说,很多问题仍然没有解决,运动员村受到严重损害。

    He said " many issues remain unresolved " and the athletes'village was " seriously compromised " .

  10. 建起了桥梁,从机场到运动员村的地铁,很多的桥梁。

    There are bridges , Metro train from Airport to the Village , a lot of bridges .

  11. 运动员村公共区分公共一区和公共二区。

    The Public Zone of the Athletes'Village is divided into Public Zone I and Public Zone II .

  12. 东道主中国体育代表团已于8月25日进驻运动员村。

    The sports delegation from hosting China has already moved into the athlete 's village on August 25th .

  13. 运动员村的运动员公寓楼提供给每个运动员在公寓的生活空间不少于平方米。

    The apartment building in the Athletes'Village can provide each athlete at least__square meters of indoor living space .

  14. 带着和往常一样的随和态度,刘翔骑着自行车到达运动员村的大门。

    With his usual easy-going demeanour , Liu arrived at the gate of the athletes village riding a bicycle .

  15. 但这些讨论在政府倾注了大量资源来解决问题后都消失了,特别是关于期待按世已久的运动员村。

    But those discussions dissipated after the government poured enormous resources into addressing the problems , particularly with the long-overdue athletes'village .

  16. 运动员村北部的主餐厅24小时开放。

    Our dining services will be offered in the main cafeteria in the north of the Athlete Village 24 hours a day .

  17. 北京奥运村项目法人招标成为国际性大型体育赛事运动员村投资管理模式中最经典的成功案例。

    Project company bidding of Beijing Olympic Village has been the most successful case of athletes ' village development for international sports events .

  18. 运动员村按预先的安排于星期二开村,虽然一些队伍因为顾虑到接待方仍未准备好而推迟了他们抵达的时间。

    The village opened as scheduled on Thursday although some teams delayed their arrival because of concerns that the accommodation was not yet ready .

  19. 1984年洛杉矶奥运会就把重点放在体育上,他们使用已有的体育设施,租用学生宿舍、而不是兴建运动员村。

    The Los Angeles games in 1984 focused on the sport , using existing facilities and renting student dorms instead of building an athletes ' village .

  20. 在奥运期间,假日酒店将在运动员村为来自世界各地的运动员服务,为他们提供住房经理、接待、门房等服务。

    During the Olympics , Holiday Inn will help host the world 's athletes in the Athletes Village , providing residential managers , receptionists and concierges .

  21. 我坐在运动员村的宗教多元中心,环顾四周,看见了形形色色、各具代表的人。

    When I 'm sitting in the Multi-faith Centre at the Athlete 's Village I can look around at the diverse representation of humanity I am with .

  22. 赛时,运动员村公共区将承担接待运动员、媒体和访客的重要任务,确保为他们营造轻松、舒适的氛围。

    The public area of the Athletes'Village will be used to receive athletes , media and visitors at Games time by offering them an easy and comfortable environment .

  23. 运动员村的活跃用户数量狂增64%,而使用该软件时的“滑动”操作次数上涨了69%。

    The number of active users within the athletes ' village shot up by 64 percent , while the number of ' swipes ' soared by 69 percent .

  24. 居住区内还设有4500座运动员村主餐厅、综合服务中心、体能训练中心及自助洗衣中心等配套服务设施。

    The Residential Zone is also equipped with auxiliary service facilities such as4,500-seat Main Dining Hall , a Service Center , Leisure and Recreation Centre and Self-laundry Center , etc.

  25. 一名安全官员被认为是在一个守卫塔滚滚从灭蚊在英联邦运动会运动员村新德里,印度,星期四,2010年9月30日熏蒸烟雾之中。

    A security officer is seen in a guard tower amidst billowing smoke from anti-mosquito fumigation at the Commonwealth Games athletes'village New Delhi , India , Thursday , Sept.30,2010 .

  26. 十一运运动员村建立了文案、制度、沟通、会议、培训等多种运行机制,使管理体制的功能得以优化和实现。

    The 11th National Games athletes ' village set up document , system , communication , conferences , training and other operational mechanism to make its function optimize and implementation .

  27. 本地组织者们开始给运动员村双人间的床上铺彩色被子,上面还绣着卡通自行车手、击剑运动员和游泳运动员的身影。

    Local organizers are beginning to lay colorful comforters - patterned with the silhouettes of cartoon cyclists , fencers and swimmers - on the twin beds in the athletes " village .

  28. 利用奥林匹克公园周围地热资源或其它可再生能源、水源热泵技术,满足运动员村供热制冷需要。

    Geothermal and other types of renewable energy sources will be exploited in the surrounding areas , to supply heating and cooling service to the Olympic Green with application of water heat pump technology and other new technologies .

  29. 例2:在奥林匹克公园主建筑区内将建成容纳8万人的主体育场、2个大型综合体育馆、运动员村和国际展览体育中心。

    In the main building area of the Olympic Games Park , a main stadium which accommodates 80 thousand people , 2 large sports complexes , the athletes village and the International Exhibition Sports Center are now under construction .

  30. 澳大利亚的工作人员以及将于周一(7/25)抵达的第一批运动员住在奥运村附近的酒店。

    Australian staff are in nearby hotels with the first athletes due on Monday .