
  • 网络cartilage regeneration
  1. 肌瓣包裹自体气管移植体复合BMP诱导软骨再生

    BMP-induced cartilage regeneration in tracheal autograft with muscular wrapping

  2. BMP诱导同种异体气管移植体的软骨再生

    BMP-induced Cartilage regeneration in tracheal allografts

  3. 方法:建立犬气管移植模型,观察移植气管狭窄的相关因素,在此研究基础上,将BMP植入到自体及异体的气管移植体内诱导软骨再生。

    Methods : Canine tracheal transplantation models were used to observe the correlated factors of stenosis , and then BMP was implanted into the canine tracheal auto - and allo - grafts to induce cartilage regeneration .

  4. 结论:CS-PEC复合材料有望成为软骨再生的支架载体。

    Conclusions : CS-PEC may be used as scaffold for fibre-cartilage regeneration .

  5. 不同时间段内骨形态发生蛋白诱导移植气管软骨再生

    Cartilage induction by bone morphogenetic protein in tracheal graft at different intervals

  6. 骨形态发生蛋白质诱导犬的自体气管移植段软骨再生

    Regeneration of dog 's autografted tracheal cartilage induced by bone morphogenetic protein

  7. 壳聚糖电介质复合物作为软骨再生支架实验研究

    Experimental Study on Chitosan - Polyelectrolyte Complex as a Scaffold for Cartilage Regeneration

  8. 异体移植气管中骨形态发生蛋白诱导软骨再生的实验

    Bone morphogenetic protein induced cartilage regeneration in tracheal allografts

  9. 取向性的PLGA/ACECM复合支架能够引导取向性的关节软骨再生。

    Oriented PLGA / ACECM composite scaffold can direct oriented regeneration of articular cartilage .

  10. 软骨再生存在于移植后各个时间段,其再生程度与良好的血液循环有关;

    Regeneration and beneficial circulation . and the degree of regeneration was related with favorable blood circulation ;

  11. 重组人骨形态蛋白复合肌瓣诱导自体异体气管软骨再生

    A comparative study on cartilage regeneration in auto - and allo - transplanted trachea with muscular wrapping induced by bone morphogenetic protein

  12. 将复合体植入新西兰兔体内,原位诱导骨.软骨再生,修复关节软骨缺损。对实验结果进行组织学、免疫组化、超微结构等检测。

    Transplant the composite into New Zealand rabbits for the regeneration of primary bone & cartilage and repair of articular cartilage defects .

  13. 最重要的是阐明软骨再生的过程和细胞分子水平的调节,最大限度地发展和完善这项技术。

    It is the most important to illustrate the regeneration of cartilage and the regulation in cellular and molecular levels so as to develop and perfect such a technique furthest .

  14. 种子细胞的选择、支架的构建,培养条件的优化对软骨再生有重要作用,从而成为目前软骨工程领域的研究重点。

    The choice of seeding chondrocytes , the construction of scaffolds and the optimization of culture environment play important roles in cartilage regeneration , they also constitute the crucial issues of cartilage tissue engineering .

  15. 目的:研究应用重组人骨形态发生蛋白2(rhBMP2)/胶原缓释系统诱导犬冷冻气管移植软骨再生的作用。

    AIM : To confirm the validity and potential application of implanting the recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 ( rhBMP-2 ) with collagen into the cryopreserved tracheal allografts to induce the regeneration of dog 's tracheal cartilage .

  16. 软骨组织再生能力有限,没有血管、神经和淋巴分布,其特有的组织器官特异性和生物学特性使之成为组织工程学的研究热点。

    Cartilage tissues have the limited regeneration ability , and no vascular , nerve and lymph distributions . Their organ specificity and biological characteristics are the research hot spots of tissue engineering .

  17. 目的:持续被动运动可以有效防止关节粘连,促进关节内软骨的再生与修复,对肢体功能的恢复有重要作用。

    OBJECTIVE : Continuous passive motion may effectively prevent joint adhesion , promote the regeneration and repair of articular cartilage , and also plays an important role in the functional recovery of limbs .

  18. 可注射生物降解支架材料的出现为体内软骨组织再生提供了令人满意的治疗平台,因为它不受缺损形状的限制,并且可以通过微创手术实现组织修复。

    Injectable biodegradable scaffold provide a desirable therapeutic platforms for cartilage regeneration in vivo , because it allows easy filling of irregularly shaped defects and the implantation of cells through micro-invasive surgical procedures .

  19. 取向性的复合支架引导软骨取向性再生。

    The oriented scaffold can direct cartilage regeneration with oriented structure . 3 .

  20. 用放射自显影术观察血管束植入预构软骨组织瓣再生的实验研究

    Autoradiographic observation on neovascularized cutaneous cartilage flap : an experimental model in the rabbit

  21. 家兔肋软骨膜移植再生关节软骨的实验研究

    Repairing articular cartilage clefts with autogenous costal perichondrial grafts : an experimental study on rabbits

  22. 目的:为提高非病毒载体转染细胞后的基因表达水平并延长表达时间,并为骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)生长创造更好的环境,以期用于软骨损伤的体内再生治疗。

    Objective : To enhance the level and prolong the duration of gene expression for gene-engineered rat mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) using non-viral vector , and to provide a better environment for the proliferation of MSCs for the clinical therapy of cartilage defect . Methods : 1 .

  23. 目的:探讨关节软骨损伤后软骨再生的过程和细胞分子水平的调节。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the cartilage regeneration and regulation after articular cartilage injury in the cellular and molecular levels .

  24. 骨膜、滑膜及软骨组织对关节软骨再生基因的影响

    Effects of periosteum , synovium and cartilage tissues on genes for joint cartilage regeneration

  25. 乙组软骨缺损区为纤维软骨再生修复;

    Regenerative repair of fibrous cartilages occurred in the injury area in group B ;

  26. 目的:制作不同程度关节软骨损伤的动物模型,对关节软骨损伤后软骨再生修复的组织学及超微结构进行系统研究。

    Objective : We set several animal models with articular injury in various degrees and studied systemically on the histology and ultra-microscopic structure of cartilaginous regeneration after injury .

  27. 目的:关节软骨损伤后的修复一直是临床难题,这与软骨细胞再生能力差、局部修复因子浓度低及修复支架有关系。

    Objective : to articular cartilage repair after injury is always difficult clinical problem , this and cartilage cells regeneration , poor ability of local repair factor and low concentration repair stents are related .

  28. 作者将14例家兔的肋软骨膜移植于剥去关节软骨的下颌髁状突骨床上,以电镜为主观察了自体软骨膜再生关节软骨的过程。

    Autogenous costal perichondrial grafts were transplanted on the bleeding articular cancellous bone surface of the mandibular condyles in 14 rabbits , and the histological changes and emphatically the ultrastructural changes of the grafts were observed .

  29. 软骨组织工程技术为治疗骨、软骨疾病提供了一种新的方法,其主要技术路线是,通过种子细胞和生物活性支架的体外共培养实现软骨组织的再生,并最终完成组织的修复与重建。

    The technology of cartilage tissue engineering provides a new strategy for treatment of bone , cartilage disease . The main method of the technology is to regenerate cartilage on the basis of co-culture of seeding cells and biodegradable scaffolds , and repair or reconstruct cartilage tissue ultimately .