
sài chénɡ
  • course ;distance
  1. 你是否一直在注意篮球锦标赛的赛程?

    Have you been following the basketball championships ?

  2. 这匹马轻松地跑完了越野赛程。

    This horse made light work of the cross-country course

  3. 他比劲敌乔纳森·福特少用了大概3秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。

    He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival , Jonathon Ford

  4. 7月份迎来了环法自行车赛,200名自行车选手要骑行2,000英里的赛程。

    In July comes the Tour de France , when 200 cyclists cover a course of 2,000 miles .

  5. 亚运会赛程已过半。

    The Asian Games are already half through .

  6. 例句跑完了马拉松90%的赛程之后,这名运动员顶着痛苦,坚持跑到了终点。

    Having completed 90 % of the marathon , the runner pushed through the pain to make it to the end .

  7. 探讨了n支球队在同一块场地上进行单循环赛时赛程安排的公平性问题。

    The fair game schedule for single round robin with n teams on the same playground is discussed .

  8. 基于AHP与匹配模型的NBA赛程分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on NBA Game Schedule Based on AHP and Match Model

  9. 利用层次分析法对NBA赛程的分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation to NBA Schedule with Analytic Hierarchy Process

  10. NBA赛程分析与评价数学模型的构建

    Construction of Mathematical Model about NBA Schedule Analysis and Evaluation

  11. NBA赛程的一种分析与评价指标体系

    System of Analysis and Evaluation Indicator of NBA Matches

  12. 层次分析下的NBA赛程分析与评价模型

    The NBA match distance that is under the layer analysis and evaluation model

  13. 基于模糊决策分析法的NBA赛程评价模型

    Analysis based on fuzzy decision-making of the NBA schedule and evaluation of quantitative analysis

  14. NBA的赛程安排风云变幻。

    The NBA schedule giveth and taketh away .

  15. 用Foxpro实现校运会的赛程安排

    Schedule the school sports with FoxPro

  16. 维拉周末晚上将造访OT,这也是球队繁忙的冬季赛程的开始。

    Aston Villa visit Old Trafford on Saturday evening in one of the toughest fixtures on the winter schedule .

  17. 比如,输入“SFgiants(旧金山巨人)”,搜索结果中会出现旧金山巨人(SanFranciscoGiants)棒球队的比赛得分和赛程安排。

    Typing " SF giants , " for example , will bring up the game scores and games schedule for the San Francisco Giants baseball team .

  18. NBA公布了2017-18赛季的圣诞大战赛程,这些队伍将在这个常规赛最重要的日子摆开架势大战一场。

    The NBA released its Christmas Day schedule for the 2017-18 season , revealing which teams will square off on the regular season 's marquee day .

  19. 随着2017-18赛季NBA赛程的公布,现在你可以查看日历以确保不会错过从赛季初开始的任何一场重头戏。

    With the release of the NBA schedule for 2017-18 , you can now make sure you don 't miss any of the biggest matchups from the season ahead .

  20. 由于CBA赛程只在星期三、星期五和星期日有比赛,而且没有背靠背比赛,所以马布里认为科比可以在CBA保持高效,同时享受这次海外打球的完整经历。

    With games only on Wednesdays , Fridays and Sundays and no back-to-backs , Marbury believes Bryant could be effective playing in China and would enjoy the overall experience .

  21. 当n为奇数时,我们利用算法语言编制出了一套程序,这样就可以解决n为较大值时,人工无法列出赛程表问题。

    When " n " is an odd number , we work out a program with algorithmic language , with which we can solve the problem that when " n " is of relatively great value , a match schedule cannot be manually worked out .

  22. 从Bidiyah村到阿拉伯海(ArabianSea)总共6天、全程为165公里(约102英里)的赛程,我们已跑完了一半,而且是在背负所有个人物资、在近40摄氏度的高温下穿越松软的沙漠。

    We 're halfway through a six-day race from the village of Bidiyah to the Arabian Sea : 165km ( 102 miles ) across soft sand in heat close to 40C and carrying all our provisions on our backs .

  23. 今天,利物浦的球员和工作人员从他们为圣诞魔鬼赛程而进行的备战中抽出时间,去阿奥德黑(AlderHey)儿童医院的病房里给孩子们带去圣诞的欢乐祝福。

    Liverpool players and staff took time out of their preparations for the hectic Festive fixture schedule to spread some Christmas cheer around the wards of Alder Hey children 's hospital today .

  24. 世界杯如此备受瞩目,以至于NBA暂停其赛程,让杰出的美国球员们飞往乌拉圭或巴西参与激烈的赛季中期资格赛。

    The World Cup will be so highly thought of that the NBA will halt its schedule and the great American players of the day will fly off to Uruguay or Brazil for intense midseason qualification games .

  25. 但是,FIFA世界杯是一项传统的重要赛事,因此世界各地的联赛会暂停赛程,让最好的球员们能够回去为国征战。

    But the FIFA World Cup is so important and so traditional , that leagues around the world pause their schedules to allow the best players to return to play for their home countries .

  26. 这促使参与者呼吁国际田联(InternationalAssociationofAthleticsFederations,简称IAAF),也就是核准了这项赛程为26英里(约合42公里)的马拉松赛事的机构,在未来设定空气质量标准,以避免选手健康受到损害。

    That sparked calls from participants for the International Association of Athletics Federations , which has approved the 26-mile , or 42-kilometer , race , to set air quality standards in the future to avoid damaging the runners " health .

  27. 单循环赛赛程安排几个参数的极值

    The Extreme Values of Some Parameters About the Single Circle Match

  28. 我认为,现在所有赛车比赛的赛程都太长了。

    We think all the races now are taking too long .

  29. 跑了一半赛程后我领先了。

    After the first half of the race I was leading .

  30. 这个赛程中队员们将不会有任何的金钱。

    You have zero dollars for this leg of the race .