
  • 网络wright;Frank Lloyd Wright;Richard Wright;Reiter
  1. 坐落于一挂瀑布之上的名宅Fallingwater就是因商人埃德加・J・考夫曼(EdgarJ.Kaufmann)与弗兰克・劳埃德・赖特(FrankLloydWright)之间的友谊而修建起来的。

    Fallingwater , the famed home perched over a waterfall , developed from the friendship between businessman Edgar J. Kaufmann and Frank Lloyd Wright .

  2. 本文论述的就是如何在室内环境艺术创作中的文化构思。主要结合美国建筑大师赖特(FrankLloydWright)设计的流水别墅的相关内部环境图片等来论述室内环境中的文化构思。

    The thesis mainly discusses the cultural conception of the interior artistic creation with some supported photos of " falling water " villa designed by the famous'American architect , Frank Lloyd Wright .

  3. 赖特和佩恩在联袂主演电影《魔鬼警长地狱镇》的时候相识。

    Wright and Penn met when they co-starred in the movie ' State of Grace ' .

  4. 赖特勉强起脚射门,但是球擦着近门柱有惊无险地偏出了球门。

    Wright managed a shot but it grazed the near post and rolled harmlessly across the goal .

  5. 分–切尔西换人:赖特.菲利普斯入替罗本。小赖特在主场球迷混杂的欢迎下,重返他的老地方

    Chelsea substitution Wright-Phillips for Robben . Wrighty back on his old stomping to a mixed reception . 77

  6. 第四部分详细阐述了冯-赖特行动逻辑中二个重要的算子B、S的引入及对它们的具体研究。

    The fourth part mentions the introduce of two important operators-B , S in von Wright 's action logic and a detailed study of these two operators .

  7. 了解赖特综合征(RS)在我国发病的临床特点。

    To understand the clinical features of Reiter 's Syndrome ( RS ) occurred in our country .

  8. 经摩根弗里曼的私人律师威廉R赖特证实,摩根弗里曼与妻子默娜科利李于2010年9月15日正式离婚,为这段26年的婚姻画下句点。

    Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee officially ended their 26-year marriage on September 15 , 2010 , his lawyer William R Wright has confirmed .

  9. 除了贝尼奥夫和莱恩外,沃尔玛美国公司(Wal-MartUS)前CEO爱德华多o卡斯特罗o赖特也是Reflektion公司的董事之一。

    The former CEO of Wal-Mart US , Eduardo Castro Wright , is also a director along with Benioff and Lane .

  10. 米歇尔.赖特,CNN学生新闻:现在是抢答时间。

    MICHELLE WRIGHT , CNN STUDENT NEWS : Time for the Shoutout !

  11. 比特币基金会创始人乔恩•马托尼斯(JonMatonis)依然支持赖特。

    Jon Matonis , a founder of the Bitcoin Foundation , also supported Mr Wright .

  12. 这座建筑让我想起了弗兰克12539;劳埃德12539;赖特(FrankLloydWright)设计的牧场风格住宅,一座简约又不失雅致的房子。

    The architecture reminded me of one of Frank Lloyd Wright 's prairie houses , an exercise in elegant simplicity .

  13. 英国广播公司(BBC)和《经济学人》(TheEconomist)已在这份声明前采访过赖特,条件是不得在他发布这篇博客前发表新闻。

    The BBC and The Economist were given access to Mr Wright ahead of the announcement on the condition that they did not publish their articles before his post .

  14. 在环保之路上,EnviroFlight公司创始人兼CEO格伦o考特赖特走得更远。

    Glen Courtright , CEO and founder of EnviroFlight , is going even further with the environmental approach .

  15. 第一太平戴维斯零售发展部门的主管保罗•赖特(PaulWright)表示:未来5至7年内,筹备中的购物中心面积预计在5000万至8000万平方英尺之间。

    Paul Wright , Savills director of retail development , said : Shopping centre space in the pipeline is estimated at between 50 and 80m sq ft over the next five to seven years .

  16. 吉米•赖特(JimmyWright)在1995年加入沃尔玛后曾与杜克共事,他说:迈克首先是一个彻彻底底的好人,亲和也并不高傲。

    Jimmy Wright , who worked for Mr Duke after he joined Walmart in 1995 , says : Mike is a nice guy first and foremost . Likeable and not arrogant .

  17. 在这条战线上,唯一让人觉得事情确实发生了改变的场合,是当有人指控奥巴马(Obama)支持发表煽动性言论的牧师耶利米•赖特(JeremiahWright)时,奥巴马所回应的讲话。

    The only time things seemed to really change on this front was Obama 's speech on race in response to the accusations of his support for the firebrand pastor , Jeremiah Wright .

  18. 自称网络安全专家的澳大利亚企业家克雷格•史蒂芬•赖特(CraigStevenWright)宣布自己就是化名“中本聪”(SatoshiNakamoto)的比特币创造者。

    Craig Steven Wright , an Australian entrepreneur and self-declared cyber security expert , has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto , the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin .

  19. 克雷格•赖特(CraigWright)在本周早些时候称,他在2008年化名“中本聪”(SatoshiNakamoto)创造了比特币,他曾承诺要提供证据支持这一说法。

    Craig Wrighthad promised to provide evidence to support his claim earlier this week to have created bitcoin in 2008 using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto .

  20. 赖特在博文中回顾了哲学家让-保罗•萨特(Jean-PaulSartre)的一句话,接着在解释一组加密密钥的验证过程之前写道:

    Reflecting on a quote from philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre , and before explaining the process of verifying a set of cryptographic keys , Mr Wright said in his post :

  21. 他承认这会伤害到他的支持者,其中包括比特币基金会(BitcoinFoundation)前首席科学家加文•安德烈森(GavinAndresen),安德烈森近日开始质疑自己最初对赖特声明的支持。

    He acknowledged this would damage his supporters , including Gavin Andresen , the former chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation who has more recently begun to question his initial backing of Mr Wright 's claim .

  22. 比特币基金会(BitcoinFoundation)创始董事乔恩•马托尼斯(JonMatonis)在周一发表了一篇博客,称自己从去年6月起就一直与赖特接触,最后在“2016年3月下旬举行了一次私下证明会”。

    Jon Matonis , a founding director of the Bitcoin Foundation , published a blog on Monday saying he had been in contact with Wright since June last year and in the lead up to a " private proof session in late March 2016 . "

  23. ,赢得了这项奖额1000万美元的安萨里X大奖))。巧合的是,在威尔伯和奥维尔·赖特在1903年发明世界上第一个动力飞机11年以后,敞开式座舱双翼飞机搭载着乘客穿越佛罗里达的坦帕湾实现商业首飞。

    it was 11 years after Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the world 's first powered airplane in 1903 that a paying passenger sat in the open cockpit of a boat-shaped Benoist XIV biplane for a ride across Florida 's Tampa Bay , the debut flight of the country 's first commercial airliner .

  24. 此外,EnviroFlight公司的考特赖特表示,他预计饲料行业将成为最有潜力吸引投资的领域。

    EnviroFlight ' sCourtright also says he expects the animal feed sector to offer the most potential for investors .

  25. 那是在2006年,赖特是位于德克萨斯州的T3公司的一名软件工程师。当时,赖特是公司里首位参加允许员工连续6个月每天带宝宝上班的计划的父亲。

    At that time - 2006 - Mr Wright , then a software engineer at T3 , a Texas-based advertising agency , was the first father to participate in its programme allowing staff to bring their infants to work every day for six months .

  26. 群邑集团(GroupM)是一家广告公司,该公司亚太区人才招聘主管迈克尔•赖特(MichaelWright)表示,尽管他不会把Klout分数或领英的背景资料当做聘用某人的唯一标准,不过这些材料可以用来过滤部分候选人。

    Michael Wright , head of talent acquisition for the Asia Pacific region for Group M , an advertising company , says that , while he would never hire someone solely on the basis of their Klout score or LinkedIn profile , it can be a useful filter for weeding out candidates .

  27. 去年12月,《连线》(Wired)和Gizmodo发布报道,指认赖特就是中本聪。这些报道指向一些据称的泄露电子邮件和文件,据以证明赖特与其同事——已故的戴夫•克莱曼(DaveKleiman)——是这种加密货币的共同发明人。

    In December , Mr Wright was identified as Mr Nakamoto in stories by Wired and Gizmodo that pointed to supposedly leaked emails and documents claiming proof he and a colleague , the late Dave Kleiman , were the co-inventors of the cryptocurrency .

  28. 德国BHF银行分析师赫尔曼•赖特(HermannReith)指出,发达国家的整个钢铁行业存在“结构性产能过剩”问题,工厂产能较潜在需求高出约20%。

    Hermann Reith , an analyst at BHF Bank in Germany , said the whole of the steel industry in the developed world was suffering from " structural overcapacity " in which plant supply was about 20 per cent higher than likely demand .

  29. 赖特太太的逝世令人大为震惊。

    The demise of Mrs Wright came as a great shock .

  30. 第一部分介绍了冯-赖特对行动的说明和理解。

    The first part introduces von Wright 's explanation of action .