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  1. 下半场,中国队主教练贾秀全改变策略,换上身高1米86的中锋杨曼,成为整场比赛的转折点。第69分钟,中国队获得前场任意球,王霜主罚,杨曼将球攻入。

    Chinese head coach Jia Xiuquan changed his tactics in the second half as Yang Man came off the bench and became the turning point of the match . The 1.86-meter center forward headed home a free kick from Wang in the 69th minute .

  2. 随后的比赛中,申花试图通过进攻来反超比分,坐在替补席上的贾秀全急切地向场上队员连连传递着进攻的指示,但申花的进攻往往都是无功而返。

    The next game , trying to attack Shenhua lead to the score , sitting on the bench Jia Xiuquan market players eager to pass a series of instructions to attack , but Shenhua 's offense often failed .