
  1. 但谢清海警告称,改革不会在一夜之间发生。

    But Mr Cheah warns that reforms will not arrive overnight .

  2. 谢清海表示,对于谨慎的选股者而言,有着大量的机会。

    Opportunities abound for careful stock pickers , according to Mr Cheah .

  3. 谢清海没有具体透露新基金将投资哪些个股。

    Mr. Cheah didn 't specify individual stocks that the new fund will invest in .

  4. 谢清海说,长期来看,目前中国的投资机会要比以往任何时候都多。

    In the longer term , Mr. Cheah said , he sees much more investment opportunity in China than ever .

  5. 按谢清海的话说,A股市场就像一个赌场,几率太一边倒了,以至于你永远赢不了。

    The A-share market is like a gambling parlour where the odds are so lopsided you never win , by Mr Cheah 's description .

  6. 谢清海表示,自己想买“消费类”股票,因为他认为,中国在未来10年将从出口导向型经济、转向内需驱动型经济。

    Mr Cheah says he wants to buy " consumer " stocks because he thinks China will transform itself from an export-led economy to one driven by domestic spending in the next 10 years .

  7. 谢清海说,中小型企业或者私营企业的盈利情况不错,这些公司创造了就业机会,并获得了高回报,但许多这样的公司还没有上市。

    ' Small - and medium-size companies or the private sectors are the guys that were making good money , creating employment and high returns . But many of these guys are not even listed , ' he said .