
  1. 一般情况下,在应用ACNU对胶质瘤局部化疗药物中,常以明胶海绵蘸取合理剂量的ACNU溶液局部应用于胶质瘤区域,以直接抑制肿瘤细胞生长、减少全身化疗的副作用。

    Studies have shown that topical application of the ACNU on glioma by using gelatin sponge dipped with a reasonable dose of ACNU solution to set on local glioma region , might inhibit tumor cell growth , and reduce the side effects of systemic chemotherapy .

  2. 应该用鱼生的部分来蘸取酱油,而不是米饭的部分。

    Dip the fish part rather than the rice into soy sauce .

  3. 用法:洁肤后,用化妆棉蘸取适量本品均匀涂抹于肌肤,轻拍至吸收即可。

    Usage : after skin cleaning , apply proper amount onto the skin with cosmetic cotton , Pat to be absorbed .

  4. 固态化后,用一白金丝蘸取小量细菌细胞接种在明胶表面上。

    Once set , the gelatin surface was seeded by picking up a minute quantity of bacterial cells on a platinum needle .

  5. 使用方法:每天早晚洁肤后,用化妆棉蘸取适量,轻轻拍打于面部,避开眼部及唇部周围。

    Usage : Apply appropriate by cotton-pad after facial washer every morning and evening , gently tap to absorb , avoid eyes and lips .

  6. 用棉签蘸取全能醋,每日晨晚用其擦拭牙齿,减少牙釉上的污渍。

    Dip a cotton swab in full-strength vinegar and use it to wipe your teeth every morning and every night to lighten stains on the enamel .

  7. 或入沸水5分钟后捞出,放冷,装在有冰的器皿中,根据个人口味配上适口的佐料,蘸取食用。

    Or into boiling water for5 minutes , cool , packed in ice containers , then according to personal taste with palatable of spice , dampen consumption .

  8. 使用方法:清洁肌肤后,用棉片蘸取适量轻抹于面部与颈部或湿敷。

    Directions : After cleaning skin and applying contracting water every morning and evening , use cosmetic cotton to apply proper amount of the lotion onto the face and neck softly .

  9. 用医用棉签蘸取液氮,对股骨头软骨面负重区进行3次冷冻3次复温制备兔双侧股骨头坏死模型。

    Thereafter , medical cotton stickers were dipped with liquid nitrogen and the weight loading area of bilateral femoral heads cartilage were frozen by three times alteration of freezing and rewarming .
