
suō yī
  • straw rain cape;palm-bark rain cape;straw rain cape coat
蓑衣 [suō yī]
  • [straw rain cape coat] 用棕榈皮编成的雨衣

  • 青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。--唐. 张志和《渔歌子》

蓑衣[suō yī]
  1. 用于广东小北江蓑衣滩新站房模型减振实验研究,取得了很好的结果,并从中找出了减振的最佳C值。

    Using it to the experimental study on the vibration mitigation of Suoyitan new station building model , good results are obtained and the optimum C is found out .

  2. 而蓑衣却依然沉睡在古典中。

    The coir raincoat , however , still sleeps deeply in classicality .

  3. 江南的蓑衣飘扬在诗意中。

    Coir raincoat of the south dances in the poetry .

  4. 串蓑衣是慢工、费时,一人四天才能制一件。

    It takes time and effort and one person can only make one piece in four days .

  5. 这江南的景色一半是属于蓑衣的,这季节的一半还是属于蓑衣的。

    Half of the southern scenery belongs to the coir raincoat , so does half of the season .

  6. 蓑衣洞――为一半崖山洞,曾是古巴人和当年游击队的住所。

    Coir Raincoat Cavity : cave situated at half of cliff , where was residence of ancient Ba people and guerilla .

  7. 江南的蓑衣和竹笠经年地寻找,在远远的翘首远望。

    Year in and year out , coir raincoat and bamboo hat keep searching by raising their heads and looking far ahead .

  8. 在故都的某个雪天里,突然想到老家江南的蓑衣来了。

    On a snowy day in the onetime capital , the coir raincoat of my hometown in the south occurred to me .

  9. 当他在难得的寂静时分一个人端坐,蓑衣的影子就清晰地显现出来了,在脑海的某个角落里难以拂去。

    When he sits alone at a scarce moment , silhouette of the coir raincoat turns up clearly , staying adamantly at one corner of his mind .

  10. 那连绵的苍翠山峦,那层层叠叠的梯田,那高低错落犹如穿着蓑衣的房舍,总给人以平和而安详。

    One feels placid and peaceful when seeing the uninterrupted green hills and mountains , terraces layer after layer , and high and low houses as if in coir raincoats .

  11. 一袭蓑衣穿行在时空,犹如达摩的一苇渡江,把无限的禅机融入空荡和苍茫之中。

    Man in a coir raincoat traveling in time and space is like Ta-mo , who crossed a river by driving a reed over it , integrating endless Buddhist allegory with emptiness and indistinctness .

  12. 川河灌区取水坝为我省第一座混凝土条支砌的溢流蓑衣坝,经28年运行后,溢流面严重磨损。

    The intake dam of the Chuan River irrigation area is the first overflow concrete lined palm bark dam in Yunnan Province . After 28-year operation the overflow surface of the dam is severely worn .

  13. 在某个茶室和酒吧间,他看见蓑衣还有他的竹笠高挂在髹漆得艳红或者金黄的柱子和墙壁上,落满红尘。

    In a certain teahouse or bar , he sees the coir raincoat and his bamboo hat , covered with crimson dust , hang high on the column and wall painted gorgeously red or golden .

  14. 除险加固设计将蓑衣坝改为硅粉混凝土溢流面板坝,经4年汛期洪水考验,运行安全,溢流面磨损小。

    In its reinforcement design the concrete lined palm bark dam was reconstructed into a overtopped silicon powder concrete face dam . Experiencing floods in 4 years ' flood seasons proved that the reinforced dam is safe in operation and its overflow surface is worn slightly .

  15. 衣服会因其用途发生变化,例如作为一种特殊的雨披和竹帽,被称为蓑衣和斗笠。前者曾被用作是一个防雨斗篷,但后者因为主要是渔夫穿戴,它逐渐演变成渔民的职业生涯的象征。

    Changes occurred to the uses of this dress , such as a special rain cape and bamboo hats called suoyi and douli . The former used to be a rainproof cape , but later as it was mainly worn by fishermen , it gradually evolved into the career symbol of fishermen .