
  1. 蒲江邛崃唐代佛教摩崖造像的题材和编年

    Theme and Chronicle of Buddhist Cliff Carvings in Pujiang and Qionglai

  2. 蒲江县城市景观格局分析与城市森林构建

    Analysis of Urban Landscape Pattern and Construction of Urban Forest in PuJiang County

  3. 结论通过综合治理措施的实施,蒲江县的血吸虫病得到了较好的控制,如果只是采用常规的防治措施,难以使疫情进一步降低。

    Conclusion The comprehensive control measures achieved good effect in schistosomiasis control in Pujiang County .

  4. 蒲江县综合治理血吸虫病防治效果的纵向观察

    Longitudinal Observation on Schistosomiasis Situation and Effect of Comprehensive Control Measures in Pujiang County , Sichuan

  5. 四川蒲江地区上三叠统须家河组地层古生物特征及沉积环境

    Palaeontology characteristics and sedimentary environment of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Pujiang area , Sichuan , China

  6. 蒲江新津成都德阳断裂带成都平原内一条代表性弱活动地震带的地震地质特征

    The pujiang xingjing chengdu deyang fault zone : the seismo geologic features of a representative seismic zone with weak activity in Chengdu Plain

  7. 在对蒲江县城市森林构建中,结合蒲江现状,提出了符合该县的城市森林总体布局的规划设想,概括为两带、四片、十六廊、多点、绿网覆盖。

    The overall summary of urban forestry construction put forward which suits the current situation of Pujiang is two belts , four parts , sixteen corridors , several points green-net-like coverage .

  8. 摘要在秦蜀守李冰成功开凿广都盐井的基础上,临邛、蒲江井盐在西汉中叶得到大规模开发。

    On the base of Shu governor Li Bin successfully digging Guangdu salt well , well salt in Linqiong and Pujiang was exploited in large scale in the Western Han dynasty .

  9. 论文以多种文献为依据,对于南宋著名词人卢祖皋的籍贯问题进行了详细的考察、辨别、分析,从而认为将卢定为邛州蒲江县人乃是一种误读,卢当为温州永嘉县人。

    Based on the analysis of many books , the paper comes to the conclusion that Lu was born in the Yongjia County , Wenzhou , Zhejiang Province in stead of Pujiang County , Qiongzhou , Sichuan Province .