
  • 网络Anise Oil;Fennel oil
  1. 工业上超临界CO2生产八角茴香油的方案比较

    Comparison on extracting method of star anise oil with supercritical CO_2 in industry

  2. 液态及超临界CO2萃取八角茴香油的研究

    Studies on the extraction of star anise oil from Illicium Verum by liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide

  3. 安息茴香油超临界CO2萃取及微胶囊包埋技术研究

    Studies on Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Micro-encapsulation Technology of Cumin Oil

  4. 对八角茴香油(aniseoil)在三种溶剂中的结晶分离过程进行了研究,考察添加剂对结晶析出的影响,并用溶解度参数理论阐明溶剂的性质与结晶的关系。

    Crystallization separation of anise oil in three kind solvents , as well as the influence of additive , was studied .

  5. 以H2O2为氧源,研究了松香基Schiff碱高分子金属配合物催化茴香油,苯乙烯,肉桂醛,和蒎烯的氧化反应。

    It has been investigated for the oxidation reactions of rosin-based Schiff base polymer metal complexes catalyzed fennel oil , styrene , cinnamic aldehyde and pinene by H2O2 .

  6. 八角茴香油与臭氧反应6h,反应已基本完全(95%),茴香醛含量54.48(GC%);再延长反应时间,茴香醛产量反而下降。

    The reaction of star anise oil with ozone completed 95 % after six hours reaction , and obtained 54 48 ( GC % ) of anisaldehyde which decreased with reaction time being longer .

  7. 乙醇提取八角茴香油工艺的研究

    The Technological Study of Extracting Star Anise Oil with Ethanol

  8. GC/MS分析八角茴香油

    Analysis of Star Anise Oil Using GC / MS

  9. 研究了茴香油喷雾干燥微胶囊化的喷雾干燥工艺。

    The spray drying technology conditions for the aniseed oil microencapsulation was studied .

  10. 浅谈三种茴香油及工业生产方法

    Elementary introducing three kinds of oil of anise and the industrial producing methods

  11. 快速提取分离八角茴香油的新方法

    The New Method for Quick extraction and isolation of Illicium verum Hook Oil

  12. 响应面法优化超声提取八角茴香油工艺

    Optimization of ultrasonic extraction of star aniseed oil by using response surface method

  13. 八角茴香油溶剂结晶分离的研究

    Study on solvent crystallization separation of anise oil

  14. 壳聚糖/海藻酸钠制备八角茴香油微胶囊的研究

    Study on the Productive Technology of Star Aniseed Oil Microcapsulation with Chitosan and Alginate

  15. 分子蒸馏八角茴香油微波催化氧化茴香脑制备茴香醛

    Molecular Distillation of Star Anise Oil and Catalytic Oxidation of Anethole to Anisaldehyde in Microwave

  16. 研究了用95%乙醇提取八角茴香油的最佳工艺条件。

    The paper studies the best technological conditions of extracting star anise oil with 95 % ethanol .

  17. 用超临界技术提取八角茴香油的研究

    A study of the extraction technology of THB fruit oil from Illicium verum by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid

  18. GB/T15068-1994八角茴香油

    Oil of star anise

  19. 三种萃取方法所得八角茴香油的成分和含量差异不大。

    Moreover , the components and content of star anise oil had no obvious difference under three extracting conditions .

  20. 八角茴香油和肉桂油的臭氧化反应过程受反应控制,传质的影响很小;

    The ozonized reaction processes of star anise oil and Cinnamonic oil were controlled by reaction , and were influenced less by mass transfer .

  21. 八角茴香挥发油抗念珠菌活性的体外研究

    In Vitro Anti-candidal Activity of the Essential Oil of Illicium verum

  22. 目的探讨八角茴香挥发油体外抗念珠菌活性及与氟康唑在联合抑菌实验中的相互作用。

    Objective To investigate the in vitro anti-candidal activity of the essential oil of Illicium verum ( EOIV ) alone and in combination with fluconazole .

  23. 维吾尔文字演变与维吾尔文教材探析目的:比较小茴香和八角茴香的挥发油及水提物成分的异同。

    Evolvement of Uygur Letters and Uygur Teaching Materials ; Comparison the similarities and differences of volatile oil and aqueous extract from the Fructus Foeniculi and Fructus Illicii .

  24. 其中,如桂油、八角茴香、薄荷油、薄荷脑、桉叶油、松节油、柏木油等的产量已居世界前列或首位。

    Some of them come first on the list in the world , such as cassia oil , star anise , peppermint oil , menthol , turpentine oil , eucalyptus oil and cedar wood oil etc.

  25. 您也可以混合辣椒精油,茴香精油和载体油,适用于你的肚脐周围。

    You can also blend pepper essential oil with fennel essential oil and a carrier oil and apply it around your navel .