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  • 语素in chuānxiōng 川芎
  • 多年生草本植物,羽状复叶,白色,果实椭圆形。产于中国四川和云南省。全草有香气,地下茎可入药。亦称“川芎”。

  1. 阿魏酸、洋川芎内酯H和洋川芎内酯I对红细胞的影响

    Effects of Ferulic Acid , Senkyunolide H and Senkyunolide I on Erythrocytes

  2. 目的:研究当归中阿魏酸、洋川芎内酯H和洋川芎内酯I对红细胞的变形性和聚集性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of Ferulic acid 、 Senkyunolide H and Senkyunolide I on erythrocytes deformability and aggregation .

  3. 结论在西药常规治疗基础上加用芎芍胶囊,对PCI后RS可以起到较好的防治作用。

    Conclusion XSC can effectively prevent RS after PCI in combination with conventional Western medical treatment .

  4. RP-HPLC法测定芎菊上清丸中绿原酸的含量

    Determination of content of Chlorogenic acid of Xiongju shangqing pills by reversed-phase HPLC

  5. 三拗芎葶合剂对哮喘大鼠血清IFN-γ、IL-4影响的实验研究

    Experiment the Affects of " INF - γ、 IL-4 of Serum " of Asthma Rats on " San Ao Xiong Ting Combination "

  6. 目的研究芎冰喷雾剂治疗椎-基底动脉供血不足(VBI)的即时疗效。

    Objective To explore the effect of Xiongbing nasal spray for vertebral and basilar arterial insufficiency ( VBI ) .

  7. 各组分别于术前1h、术后3,12h灌胃给复方缬芎(156,94,31.3mg/kg),川芎嗪(10mg/kg)或等容积的助溶剂。

    Gastric perfusion was done with VLE ( 156 , 94 , 31.3 mg / kg ), ligustrazine ( 10 mg · kg ) or solvent enhancer of equal volume successively 1 hour before operation and 3 hours and 12 hours after operation .

  8. 结果:不同剂量的二参泽术汤和丹参桃芎汤组NO、IL2值明显高于对照组,结果差异显著(P<0001)。

    Results : The serum levels of nitrogen oxide and interleukin 2 were higher in the Decoction treated mice than those in the control . ( P < 0 001 ) .

  9. 复方芎蝎胶囊治疗椎基底动脉供血不足的疗效观察

    Clinical effect of vertebrobasilar ischemia treated by Compounds Xiong-Xie capsule

  10. 镇江香醋中川芎嗪的测定及生成机理的研究

    Study on the mensuration of tetramethylpyrazine in Zhenjiang vinegar and its generant mechanism

  11. 目的优选芎汤醇提的最佳工艺条件。

    OBJECTIVE To optimize the ethanol extraction process and condition of Xiongqiong decoction .

  12. 结果:芎归滴丸明显改善去窦弓神经大鼠的压力感受反射敏感性。

    RESULTS : Xionggui drip_ping pill could improve BRS in sinus denervated rats .

  13. 复方缬芎滴丸对心肌缺血保护作用及其机制探讨

    Protect Effect and Mechanism of VLC on Myocardial Ischemia

  14. 复方缬芎提取物对脑缺血防治作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effects of Extracts of Valerian-Ligusticum for Microcirculation of Brain Tissues

  15. 川芎嗪树脂复合物制备过程中川芎嗪的交换动态变化

    Exchange dynamics of tetramethylpyrazine in tetramethylpyrazine-resin complex

  16. 丹芎通脉颗粒对脑血管疾病动脉弹性及其相关因素影响的临床观察

    Clinical study about effect of the Dan Xiong Tong Mai granule on cerebrovascular disease and related factors

  17. 三拗芎葶合剂治疗支气管哮喘的临床观察及理论探讨

    Clinic Observation and Theory Study in Treatment Bronchitic Asthma of " San Ao Xiong Ting Combination "

  18. 目的建立黄芎抗栓胶囊薄层色谱的指纹图谱。

    Aim To establish the fingerprint chromatogram of Huangqiongkangshuan capsules by TLCS and lay foundation of quality standard .

  19. 建立天麻及天芎注射液中天麻素含量的测定方法。

    An RP-HPLC method has been established for the determination of gastrodin in crude Rhizoma gastrodiae and Tianxiong injection .

  20. 芎芍胶囊具有较好的防治AS作用,调控血管重构过程为作用机制之一。

    XSC has good effect on preventing and treating AS with regulating vascular remodeling as one of its mechanisms .

  21. 目的:观察芎归滴丸对选择性去窦弓神经大鼠动脉压力感受反射敏感性的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the effect of Xionggui dripping pills on sensitivity of baroreflex in selective sinoaortic denervated rats .

  22. 在此基础上,结合形态学特征探讨了滇芎属与瘤果芹属之间的关系和属下种间关系。

    Furthermore , the evolutionary relationships between two genera and among species were separately discussed combining with external morphological features .

  23. 结论:当归、芎嗪注射液可加重家兔缺血再灌注损伤。

    Conclusion : Parenteral solutions of both Chinese Angelica and Ligustrazine can aggravate the reperfusion injury of skeletal muscles of rabbits .

  24. 复方缬芎组的脑梗塞指数及神经症状均明显低(轻)于溶剂对照组(P<001);

    Neurological outcomes of Valeriana-Ligusticum treated group improved markedly compared with that of solvent control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 治疗组的中医证侯积分和脑血流速度均比对照组积分和脑血流速度改善明显(P<0.05)。提示芎葛汤治疗血管性头痛疗效确切。

    The scores and cerebral blood velocity were improved more significantly in treatment group than in control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 茶芎挥发油成分的GC&MS联用分析

    - MS analysis were the principal methods used . Studies on Phthalides and Terpenes in the Essential Oil from Ligusticum sinense by GC / MS

  27. 目的:观测复方芎芷散对瘀血阻络型血管性头痛临床治疗效果。

    Objective : Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi 's treatment results on vascular headache of blood stagnation type .

  28. 目的:探讨以活血化瘀通络祛风法组方的芎归辛蚣煎治疗血管神经性头痛的临床研究。

    Objective : To probe clinical study on Xiongguixinsong decoction made by the herbs of promoting blood flow and removing blood stasis and eliminating wind treating angioneurotic headache .

  29. 芎术颗粒能增加食醋脾虚大鼠血清胃泌素、血浆胃动素、血浆生长抑素和降低血浆血管活性肠肽的含量。

    Xiongzhu Keli can make the GAS and MTL of spleen deficiency rats go up and it can decrease the amount of VIP and SS of spleen deficiency rats .

  30. 结果川芎和茶芎在上述各方面均有区别,并建立了方便有效的鉴别方法。

    Results There are remarkable differences between the two crude drugs in these respects , and a convenient and effective method for their differentiation and identification has been established .
